Weather cli app

##Demo: see:


Note: API key to the ( can be set in .env file

$ npm i -g ts-node
$ npm i

Usage example:

Show menu prompt:

$ ts-node src/index.ts

Show help:

$ ts-node src/index.ts -h

Import list of cities from the file, with Fahrenheit temperature scale:

$ ts-node src/index.ts --import ./examples/cities.json -t f

Fetch weather for the zipcode 38000 (Grenoble):

$ ts-node src/index.ts --z 38000,fr

Fetch weather for Paris (default format is celsius):

$ ts-node src/index.ts --c Amsterdam

Fetch weather for Paris, format Fahrenheit :

$ ts-node src/index.ts --c Amsterdam --t f

Fetch weather for the latest query:

$ ts-node src/index.ts -l