
CircleCI Link | Docker Image | Kubernetes Config

This repository contains an e-banking portal implemented by Spring boot, Spring MVC, Spring security, Mybatis.
This e-banking portal provides APIs for authenticated and authorized user to create bank account and check their transactions under their owned accounts. See the document belows for more details.

Run Locally

This e-banking portal requires couples of server, includes mysql, redis, zookeeper and kafka.

To run it on your local, please follow the followed steps:

  • Install docker on your local machine. Refer to:
  • Create docker network:
    • Run docker network create synpulse8
  • Create a mysql server
    • Run docker pull mysql:5.7 to pull a mysql image
    • Run docker run -id -p 3306:3306 --network=synpulse8 --name=mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=your_password mysql:5.7 to create and run mysql container
  • Create a redis server
    • Run docker pull redis:5.0 to pull a redis image
    • Run docker run -id --network=synpulse8 --name=redis -p 6379:6379 redis:5.0 to create and run redis container
  • Create a zookeeper server
    • Run docker pull wurstmeister/zookeeper:latest to pull a zookeeper image
    • Run docker run -d --network=synpulse8 --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181 wurstmeister/zookeeper to create an run redis container
  • Create a kafka server
    • Run docker pull wurstmeister/kafka:latest to pull a kafka image
    • Run docker run -d --network=synpulse8 --name kafka -p 9092:9092 -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME=kafka -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092 -e KAFKA_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT:// -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181 wurstmeister/kafka to create and run kafka container
  • Clone the repo and setup env variable
    • export MYSQL_HOST=localhost
    • export MYSQL_PORT=3306
    • export MYSQL_PASSWORD=your_password
    • export MYSQL_USERNAME=root
    • export REDIS_HOST=localhost
    • export REDIS_PORT=6379
    • export KAFKA_HOST=localhost
    • export KAFKA_PORT=9092
  • Now you can run the application and visit http://localhost:8889/swagger-ui.html to try it out.

Docker Image

Run docker pull hohang210/synpulse8 can pull a image of current app.


Provides a config for deploying the current app to a kubernetes. However, still need to create a couple of configs for mysql, redis, zookeeper and kafka.


The followed picture described how the servers communicates between each other.


Currently, API Gateway server and Account backend are still in one server, but in different packages.

In the next version, will use spring-cloud to separate API Gateway server and Account Backend server into two different servers.

Only Api Gateway will be exposed to public, all other servers will stand behind the API Gateway.

All the requests have to go through API Gateway, and the API Gateway will authenticate and authorize all users for different requests.

Account Backend listens to a kafka server, all transactions consumed from kafka will be saved into mysql server.

Both API Gateway and Account backend will use a common mvn package which contains shared utilities and RBAC model.

User/Security Model


The content on the e-banking portal app is managed by users and those users are going to have different levels of access. Introduce RBAC model to handle access.



A user is a real person who logs into the system using their own username and password.


Roles are simply a user-friendly name applied to a permission set in current e-banking portal. E.g. A user will have a name like 'username User Role', but would grant a set of resources applied to some users that can access different resources.


A systemMenu set is the resources that users can perform 'actions'. For example, a user applied with resource '/account/iban' will have permission to check all the info under the given iban account.


Actions are the various things users can do such as createAccount, getTransaction and so on.

Managing Users, Roles and SystemMenus

Users can have zero or more assigned roles and each role will have zero or more systemMenus

Defined Resources and Actions

Here is brief list of resources in the system.

  • /account for creating account or other basic account operation.
  • /account/iban for creating transactions or retrieving any info under the given iban.



  • User object have some properties defined such as id, username, password and so on.
  • UserRole object is used to determined what kind of roles a user has.
  • Role object has a user-friendly name and applied to a set of SystemMenu objects by RoleMenu object.
  • SystemMenu object will indicate whether the permission is being granted or denied and will define the scope of permission.
  • LoginUser object will receive a user object and retrieve all the permission of the given user.



  • First of all, every request will go through the JWTUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter filter first.
    • This filter will retrieve a JWT from the header with attribute Authorization.
    • Next step, this filter will validate the JWT and retrieve an authenticated user from redis based on the JWT. Will throw out a runtime exception if JWT is not valid.
    • Finally, this will filter will put the authenticated user with its granted resources into a context for the usage of next filter.
  • Secondly, requests from un-logged-in user(JWT is not retrieved in previous filter) will go through the JWTUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.
    • First of all, this filter will fetch username and password from the request body.
    • Secondly, this filter will attempt to log in and compare the provided password with the password saved in database if username and password are defined in request body,
    • In addition, this filter will send back a valid JWT back to the client and saved the JWT and logged-in user to redis. if the provided password matches the password saved in db.
    • Lastly, this will filter will put the authenticated user with its granted resources into a context.


During the process of authentication, authenticated user is stored in a context with its granted resources. The annotation @PreAuthorize of Spring Security will handle the authorization of each user's requests/actions. For example, controllers with @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('/account/' + #iban)") can be only accessed by user who with granted resource /account/iban

Account Operations


E-banking portal provides a couple of APIs for user to operate an account, such as create a new account and retrieve account's transactions.



A banking account that a user own. Each user can have one or more account is different currencies(e.g. CAD, EUF).


Transactions are always happened between account and account. One account can transfer a specified amount to another account.


E-banking provides some APIS for users to create account and fetch transactions. For more details, please start the application and check on /swagger-ui.html


path: /signUp

Creates a new user and associated the user with some basic roles, such as creating account and so on.


path: /login

Provides a log in API for user to log in. Stores all logged-in users info to redis.


path: /account/createAccount

Attempts to create an account for the logged-in user. The logged-in user will have a new granted permission to access this account if account is created successfully.


path: /account/createTransaction/{iban}

Attempts to create a transaction under given account and sends the transaction to kafka. The newly-created transaction will not be saved to db directly. There will be a listener consumes the transaction and saves the transaction into db.

NOTE: This API does not support to transfer money from one account to another account. This API is only used for creating a fake transaction for testing usage.


path: /account/getTransactions/{iban}

Attempts to retrieve a list of transactions by its account iban. Returns a Page result with the total number of transactions and the total credit and debit value of the current page transactions.


path: /logout

Provides a log out API for user to log out. Deletes the logged-out user's info from redis.



  • Account have some properties defined such as id, iban and currency. And iban is a unique account number for the usage of transferring money between different accounts.
  • UserAccount object is used to link the User object and Account object. Each user can have one or more accounts.
  • AccountManager object is used to do database check while creating a new account and manage the relationship between account and user.
  • AccountService is used to handle the business logics, such as assigning the newly-created account to the user, applying granted resource to the user for the newly-created account while creating a new account under a specified logged-in user.
  • AccountTransactionManager object is similar to AccountManager, which is used to do database check while creating transaction creation and retrieving transactions.
  • AccountTransactionService provides functions to deal with business logics while retrieving transactions.
  • AccountController provides APIs for logged-in user to do account operations, such as creating account or getting account's transactions.
  • Page object is used to wrap up a set of data retrieved from database. Describes the total number of data and some additional information.
  • ResponseResult object is a response data of all APIs which describes the result and status of a request's result.

Manage Transactions

All transaction cover the last ten years and are stored in Kafka with the key being the transaction ID and the value hte JSON representation of the transaction.

A Kafka listener is set up in account backend to receive a batch of transaction JSONs and start a couple of thread to cast it to current Transaction model and save it to database. The listener will commit the offset and receive the next batch of transactions after finishing the thread job. All the attributes from a transaction JSON will be ignored if it is not matched to current Transaction model. A logger will log out any transaction JSONs and their Kafka offsets if they fail to cast to Transaction model. Then, all transactions will be saved in to database using a mechanism similar to Hashmap in current version. A specified transaction will be saved into table based on the hash value of transactionId divided by 5000. Since transaction id is a unique key of a transaction, a transaction will not be saved in database twice.
In the next version, will use Sharding JDBC to manage the transaction data.


Every account operations from all users will be recorded. For example, the system will record a message "User - 1 is trying to request resource http://localhost:8889/account/createAccount" when they are trying to create a new banking account. In current implementation, the system just simply logged out a message. In the next version, will produce a set of messages data to Kafka and these these messages data will be consumed in a monitoring platform.