
A reference Firebase LTI-provider application.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A reference Firebase LTI-provider application.


In a terminal, install node dependencies:

npm install
npm install -g firebase-tools firebase-bolt

If you don't have Firebase project setup, head to the [Firebase console] and create one. Then in a terminal, set this project with firebase-tools:

firebase use

You also need to create a service account for this project and save the json service account details at ./functions/<project-id>-service-account.json.

Then run a local server (it only run a local hosting server, the app still need remote access to the Firebase server):

npm run deploy-rules
npm run deploy-triggers
npm start


Make sure you targeting the expecting Firebase project using firebase use and then deploy:

firebase use
firebase deploy

The LTI plugin is now serving.



  • TODO