
Promisify a git child process, settling once the process exits and its stdio streams and transformers close.

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Promisify a git child process, settling once the process exit and its stdio streams and transformers close.


Operations can ignore stdout (run(...cmd) method), can return it (get(...cmd)method) or can split it while transforming each element (array(...cmd, {sep, map})).

In any case, they capture stderr and reject errors when the exit codes are not zero, which will including sdterr in their messages and as a property:

const gitSpawnedPromise = require('../');

async function init(path = '.') {
  const git = gitPromise();

  // `run()`` ignores stdout.
  await git.run('init', path);
  await git.run('commit', '--allow-empty', '--message', 'chore: first commit');
  await git.run('commit', '--allow-empty', '--message', 'feat: first feature');
  await git.run('commit', '--allow-empty', '--message', 'fix: first fix');
  await git.run('commit', '--allow-empty', '--message', 'feat: second feature');

  const log = ['log', '--format="%s"', '--no-merges', '--grep', 'feat', 'HEAD'];
  const map = msg => msg.slice(5).trim();

  const [hash, feats] = await Promise.all([
    // `get()` resolves with stdout
    git.get('parse-rev', 'HEAD'),

    // `array` splits stdout stream and pipe transform stream.
    git.array(...log, {map, sep: '\n'})

  console.log(`Status up to ${hash.slice(0, 7)}...`);
  console.log(feats.map(title => `  ${title}`).join('\n'));

// stderr available (when the error is a git error).
  .catch(err => console.log(`${err.stderr} (${err.code})`));


  • gitSpawnedPromise: function({gitDir: ?string}): GitClient

    Bound a GitClient to a local repository.

  • GitClient: function(cmd: string[], ?options: ClientOption): Promise<any,Error>

    Run the git command and settle once the git child process exit and the stdout/stderr pipe closes, or when either fail.

  • ClientOption: {ignore: ?boolean, sep: ?string, map: mapper[]}

    • ignore: ignore stdout when set to true (false by default).
    • sep: separator to split the stream (default to \n if a mapper is provided).
    • map: when splitting a stream, apply each element and replace the returned value. If the value is a promise it will resolve it.

    if sep or map are set, the gitCLient Promise will resolve to an Array.

  • Mapper: function(item: any): any

    A handler for a stream.Transformer for stdout. Unlike regular handler async values are passed via a Promise instead of a callback function, and returning null (or Promise<null>) does not close the stream; the Transformer would just skip the value.

    If the mapper throws or reject, the GitClient returned Promise will reject with that error.

  • GitClient.run: function(...cmd: string[]): Promise<void,GitError>

    gitClient.run(...cmd) is equivalent to gitClient(cmd, {capture: true}).

  • GitClient.get: function(...cmd: string[]): Promise<string,GitError>

    gitClient.get(...cmd) is equivalent to gitClient(cmd).

  • GitClient.array: function(...cmd: string[], ?options: ClientOption): Promise<any[],Error>

    gitClient.array(...cmd) is equivalent to gitClient(cmd, {sep: '\n', map: someMapperOrMappperArray}).


using npm:

npm install git-spawned-promise


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Damien Lebrun