
SpotifyAPI-using utility Discord bot

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Offline, waiting for verification


Analyses your music taste and provides information about songs and artists.


Prefix for commands is "<<". Here is the short list of stuff it can do :

Command (and syntax) What it does
<<help Prints list of supported commands
<<invite Sends your bot invite link in DMs
<<search (string search_request) Returns formatted embed, for artist/album/track info request.
<<listen (int n) Invokes async command, which lasts for (int n) minutes and checks current users Spotify discord activity. Returns music taste analyzis in embed (NOTE : Your Spotify account must be connected to Discord)
<<listen (int n, String user) Checks the activity for a user (String user).

Set up

  1. You need to create your Spotify application
  2. Get tokens for Spotify service from here.
  3. Get token from Discord
  4. Paste the tokens in config file.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.