* Validation message shall be given in data-formvalidate attribute

<input type="text" id="email" name="email" data-formvalidate="email" required>

* API for add/overriding existing messages
$.fn.formValidate.addMessages({name:"Please enter valid name"});  

* API for add/overriding existing rules	

	var pattern = /^[\\p{L} .'-]+$/;
	return pattern.test($(field).val());

Please note that above API should be invoked before the form validate plug-in. 

* Invoking the validation plug-in
	{attributeUsed:'data-formvalidate', // Custom html input attribute for giving form validation rules
	triggerUsed:"change keyup",  // Trigger used for validating individual fields
	scroll:true, // After form submission window will scroll to the first error message  
	hideErrorOnChange:true, // Error messages shall be when use changes the value 
	skipHiddenFields:true //Excludes in hidden fields

* How to configure custom message for the Asynchronous rules
  -Input ID should be give an key for the message
  $.fn.formValidate.addMessages({password:"Please enter valid name"});