
A simple blog application for djangoCMS.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


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A simple blog application for djangoCMS.



Install using pip:

pip install djangocms-blogit

You should follow django-cms & django-filer installation guide first, and then add the following to your settings:



There are two ways to configure the urls. First would be to add to your urls.py:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^blog/', include('blogit.urls')),

The second option is to use django-cms apphooks. Blogit comes with a couple of those for different application parts. BlogitApphook is the main one, and one that should always be attached to a page (if the urls are not already added). Then there are other optional apphooks for category, tags & feeds. If you want to keep it simple, and not have to set every application part individually. You can add to your settings:


This will load all the neccesary urls under the BlogitApphook.


You can read full documentation on ReadTheDocs.