API Challenge

We kindly ask you to spend no more than a few hours on this exercise, as we value your time and are happy to leave things open to discussion in the final round of interview.

Please use whatever programming language and framework you feel the most comfortable with.

Feel free to email us if you have any questions.

Project description

We are building a football tournament management system for our client. Our client has been managing their data in CSV files. We need to provide a system for them to upload their existing data.

What your API must do:


  • User can upload a list of matches for a tournament. Sample CSV input named tournament 9 ball.csv and tournament 10 ball.csv are included in this repo.
  • Structure the data in a relational database.
  • Calculate points for each player. A player gets 3 points by winning, 0 point by losing and 1 point with a draw match. If a player gives up, the opponent gets 3 points.
  • User can query matches, filter by player name or tournament name.
  • User can query points and number of won matches, lost matches, drawn matches by player name.
  • The actual API endpoint names and request & response format are up to you.

Your application should be easy to set up, and should not require any non open-source software.


Please modify README.md to add:

  • Instructions on how to build/run your application.
  • Instructions on how we can verify the correctness of your application.
  • A paragraph or two about what you are particularly proud of in your implementation, and why.

Submission Instructions

  1. Fork this project on GitHub. You will need to create an account if you don't already have one.
  2. Complete the project as described below within your fork.
  3. Push all of your changes to your fork on github and submit a pull request.
  4. Please also send an email to let us know that you have submitted a solution. Make sure to include your github username in your email (so we can match applicants with pull requests.)

Alternatively, if you don't want to submit your assignment publicly, you can email a patch file to us.


Evaluation of your submission will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Did you follow the instructions for submission?
  2. Did you document your build/deploy instructions and your explanation of what you did well?
  3. Does your API work correctly?
  4. Was your code easy to understand to the reviewer?
  5. What design decisions did you make when designing your models/entities? Why (i.e. were they explained?)
  6. Was your app tested?