
Trading Recommendations System for Non-fungible-Tokens

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Trading Recommendations System for Non-fungible-Tokens

How to Generate Recommendations using the Recommendations Engine?

Generating Social Trends-based Recommendations

  • When the home screen is loaded, the trends based reocmmendations are fetched and displayed as featured recommendations.
    • This does not require user-input to generate recommendations.
  • The social trends-based recommendations model uses Twitter-trends for the purpose of generating social trends-based recommendations

Generating Basic Content-based Recommendations

  • Head over to the Recommendations by Reference page
  • Make sure that the initial toggle between content-based & trait based is towards content-based recommendations
  • Enter the asset contract-address & the token Id of the NFT that is required to be used as the point of reference to generate recommendations
    • Currently only one item is supported to be used as a point of reference
  • If the reference NFT is available in the system, the image and data of the NFT will be loaded under Chosen NFTs
    • In the current implementation only items within the system will be able to be used as points of reference
  • Click on Generate Recommendations to load generate & view the recommendations

Generating Trait based Recommendations

  • Head over to the Recommendations by Reference page
  • Make sure that the initial toggle between content-based & trait based is towards Trait-based recommendations
  • Trait-based Recommendations can be both Trait Similarity matched and Trait Rarity matched
  • The slider can be used to adjust the bias used to recommend the prefered bias of items from Trait Similarity/ Rarity models.
  • Enter the asset contract-address & the token Id of the NFT that is required to be used as the point of reference to generate recommendations
    • Currently only one item is supported to be used as a point of reference
  • If the reference NFT is available in the system, the image and data of the NFT will be loaded under Chosen NFTs
    • In the current implementation only items within the system will be able to be used as points of reference
  • Click on Generate Recommendations to load generate & view the recommendations
  • Currently supported collection: Bored Ape Yacht Club

Click on any of the items to view all the information used to generating the recommendations and the details of the item in a modal window.