
Docker Instructions (Recommended)

  1. docker build -t dimuthuupe/ipykernel:1.0 .
  2. Start a fresh session :docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -it -p 8888:8888 dimuthuupe/ipykernel:1.0
  3. Load from an exported session :docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -it -p 8888:8888 -v <ARCHIVE_FILE>:/opt/ARCHIVE.zip dimuthuupe/ipykernel:1.0

Magic Line Commonads to run in the Notebook

  1. %load_ext StateCaptureMagic : Loads the magic extension
  2. %load_local_context: Loads python runtime if an exported session archive is mounted
  3. %export_states createArchive=True Exports the current session and provides a link to download it

Local Installation Instructions (For Developers)

Create the virtual environment
  1. python3 -m venv ENV
  2. source ENV/bin/activate
Build the Kernel and Run Notebook Server
  1. pip install wheel
  2. pip install ipykernel/
  3. pip install tools/state_capture_magic
  4. jupyter kernelspec install --user /home/dimuthu/code/iPython-Kerner-Changes/ipykernel/
  5. pip install notebook
  6. jupyter notebook --ip
Start Tracing Server
  1. sudo python3 tools/tracing-server/strace_server.py