
This GitHub repository contains a comprehensive GitHub Workflow to package a multi-environment Helm chart, store that packaged Helm chart in GitHub pages and install that chart in a Kubernetes cluster with different value files .

Primary LanguageSmarty

Create Helm Chart

helm create tomcat-chart

Verify the conversion of the chart

helm template tomcat-chart . -f /environments/dev/values.yaml

Lint the chart

helm lint tomcat-chart

Install the chart (locally)

helm install tomcat-chart tomcat-chart

Helm package the chart

helm package --version <version> ./tomcat-chart

Install the chart from GitHub pages

helm repo add tomcat-chart https://dinushchathurya.github.io/helm-multi-env

Update local Helm repos

helm repo update

Install the chart from GitHub pages

helm upgrade tomcat-chart tomcat-chart/tomcat-chart --install \
    --version $VERSION \
    --namespace $NAMESPACE \
    --create-namespace \
    --values $VALUES_FILE