
Source code to replicate the results of our article published in Revista de Historia Económica: Another case of the middle-income trap: Chile, 1900-1939

Primary LanguagePython

Another case of the middle-income trap: Chile, 1900-1939

Forthcoming: Revista de Historia Económica

Authors: Cristián Larroulet, Juan Pablo Couyoumdjian, Diego A. Díaz

Source code for article.

Correct citation to be updated when published.


See and run file main_markdown.Rmd to produce figures 1 to 3 and instructions for figures 4 and 5. This code produces the pdf main_markdown.pdf and calls the functions required to produce the figures in the paper.

Comparisons of relative income and structural break analysis are done in R in the files data_preparation.R and structural_break_tests.R. These scripts contain functions to produce the results from figures 1 and 2 by loading an unmodified version of Maddison (2018) data.

The file prepare_data_for_matlab.R processes Maddisson (2018) data by selecting the countries used to apply the synthetic control method in MATLAB, it also extracts the corresponding period used, from 1900 to 1960. The .csv files created by this script are gdppc.csv and countries.csv.

In MATLAB, run file main_synthetic_controls.m to produce figures 3, 4 and 5.


All data used comes from Maddison (2018) and it's stored in data/mpd2018.xlsx. It can also be downloaded directly from their website.

Any use of this data should use the following reference:

Maddison Project Database, version 2018. Bolt, Jutta, Robert Inklaar, Herman de Jong and Jan Luiten van Zanden (2018), “Rebasing ‘Maddison’: new income comparisons and the shape of long-run economic development”, Maddison Project Working paper 10