
This repository contains my solution to SQL Murder Mystery, an interactive programming challenge developed by Knight Lab. The objective of the game is to solve a murder mystery using SQL skills to interrogate a database and discover the culprit.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

SQL Murder Mystery

Sql Murder Mystery image

This repository contains my solution to SQL Murder Mystery, an interactive programming challenge developed by Knight Lab. The objective of the game is to solve a murder mystery using SQL skills to interrogate a database and discover the culprit.

Original Statement

There's been a Murder in SQL City! The SQL Murder Mystery is designed to be both a self-directed lesson to learn SQL concepts and commands and a fun game for experienced SQL users to solve an intriguing crime.

The original statement is as follows: A crime has taken place and the detective needs your help. The detective gave you the crime scene report, but you somehow lost it. You vaguely remember that the crime was a murder that occurred sometime on Jan.15, 2018 and that it took place in SQL City.

This mystery can be solved on their website itself or downloaded from their github repository.

The database's schema
