Generic repository for a terraform module for AWS lambda functions
Flexible but yet opinionated AWS Lambda function module that creates:
- AWS Lambda function (see next to configure optional parameters) with opinionated tagging, optionally inside a specific VPC and security group;
- Zipping of a given directory to push on changes into AWS S3 bucket (externally injected);
- IAM role for running lambda function and base IAM policy;
- Externally provided KMS key ARN to encrypt lambda environment variable
- Cloudwatch group for storing Lambda logs
- launch (or not) the Lambda function inside a VPC, by providing it a list of subnet(s) and another list of security group(s).
- provide it with a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) configuration in order to handle failures, by providing either SNS or SQS ARN.
- provide additional IAM policies to extend Lambda permissions
Example usage:
module "main_lambda" {
source = ""
version = "v0.0.1"
aws_region = "eu-west-1"
aws_account_id = "012345678912"
environment = "dev"
project = "lambda"
lambda_unique_function_name = "unique-lambda-name"
runtime = "python3.6"
handler = "handler"
lambda_iam_role_name = "unique-lambda-role"
logs_kms_key_arn = "<some-kms-key-arn>"
main_lambda_file = "main"
lambda_source_dir = "${local.main_lambda_source_dir}"
lambda_zip_file_location = "${path.cwd}/../../../etl/lambdas/news/"
lambda_env_vars = "${local.main_lambda_env_vars}"
additional_policy = "${data.aws_iam_policy_document.main_lambda_policy.json}"
attach_policy = true
# configure Lambda function inside a specific VPC
security_group_ids = ["sg-012345678"]
subnet_ids = ["subnet-12345678"]
use_dead_letter_config_target_arn = true
dead_letter_config_target_arn = "${aws_sns_topic.lambda_sns_dql.arn}"
# Locals used to specify lambda ENVIRONMENT variables
locals {
lambda_env_vars = {
ENVIRONMENT = "${var.environment}"
REGION = "${var.aws_region}"
# optional additional policy document
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "additional_lambda_policy" {
statement {
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
resources = [
## SNS topic for lambda failures - Dead Letter Queue (DLQ)
resource "aws_sns_topic" "lambda_sns_dql" {
name = "lambda-dlq-sns-topic"
Whenever you bump this module's version, please add a summary description of the changes performed, so that collaboration across developers becomes easier.
- version v0.0.1 - first module release
To update this module please follow the following proceedure:
- make your changes following the normal git workflow
- after merging the your changes to master, comes the most important part, namely versioning using tags:
git tag v0.0.2
- push the tag to the remote git repository:
git push origin master tag v0.0.2
brew install terraform
- In order to automatic format terraform code (and have it cleaner), we use pre-commit hook. To install pre-commit.
- Run pre-commit install to setup locally hook for terraform code cleanup.
pre-commit install
See the list of contributors who participated in this project.