AeroGear Backend Cookbook

The AeroGear Backend cookbook is complementary to the client cookbooks. It holds all backend required to client recipes:

Each recipe is a complete mobile app. The goal of the recipes is to show you how easily you can use AeroGear libraries.

Project Info
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Issue tracker:
Mailing lists: aerogear-users (subscribe)
aerogear-dev (subscribe)

Table of content

Recipe Client Description Language
AeroDoc Android, Cordova, iOS, JavaScript Full exemple on how to register, received notification Java
Shoot Android, Cordova, iOS, Windows Keycloak OAuth2 Java, JavaScript
Authentication Android, iOS Demo HTTP Basic/Digest authentication Java
OTP-demo Android, Cordova, iOS, Windows Demo OTP with Keycloak server. JavaScript


For more details about the current release, please consult our documentation.


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Also takes some time and skim the contributor guide


Join our user mailing list for any questions or help! We really hope you enjoy app development with AeroGear!

Found a bug?

If you found a bug please create a ticket for us on Jira with some steps to reproduce it.