Welcome to the repository of Android Development DesignPattern! This project was created with the aim of exploring Design Pattern concepts, but applying them in real scenarios in Android development.


The objective of this project is to create several features implementing some Design Pattern.

Design Pattern Applied

Technologies Used

  • Kotlin: We use Kotlin as the primary programming language due to its conciseness, safety, and interoperability with Java.
  • Coroutines: We use coroutines to handle asynchronous operations in a simpler and more concise way.
  • Flow: It offers a sequential and asynchronous stream of data that emits multiple values over time. Flow is particularly useful for handling asynchronous operations in a more efficient and concise manner compared to traditional callback-based or reactive programming approaches.
  • Material Design: We follow Material Design principles and guidelines to ensure a cohesive and intuitive user experience.
  • Unit and Instrumented Testing: We implement unit and instrumented tests to ensure code quality and application stability.
  • Dependency Injection: We use Dagger/Hilt for dependency injection to ensure a decoupled and testable architecture.
  • Jetpack Compose: We explore the possibility of using Jetpack Compose to develop user interfaces in a declarative and more efficient manner.


Want to contribute? Great!

If you are an Android developer interested in learning and contributing to this project, feel free to open an issue or send a pull request. We are always open to new ideas, suggestions, and improvements.