That's a terminal prompt changer that shows a few cool git informations about your repository state. You can choose among different styles and enjoy all the aliases it provides you. Feel free for contributing, pull requests and issues are always welcome! ;)
- aaoliveiraSalvador
- adamhsparksCCDM-CBADA
- armaandhBCIT
- bunyodkhUNDP Uzbekistan, WIUT Tashkent
- chenchix@MarvellEmbeddedProcessors
- diegoarcega@airtimemedia
- eduardosch
- gpluta-cf
- guarahBrazil
- jeremywrowe@Shopify
- jthalliley
- marciobreia
- MarcoPortillo@atos
- MarvinKweyu@TheGreenCodes @jazzband
- MateusLB
- njtierneyThe Kids Research Institute Australia
- nostadt@constructiva
- otaavioo@operandbr
- pandel
- paradoxinversionThe SANS Institute
- ph88
- pkesteneCEA
- quaz4@Tradeplus24
- RafaelaMachado@ResultadosDigitais
- rafaelbdbBrazil
- rafaeldblimaManaus, Amazonas. Brasil
- rajat-bhatnagar
- renatoleao
- romunov@genialis
- rwattoglOGL Software
- shunkakinoki@LightDotSo
- tan-weiBeijing
- thyagorafaellSoftExpert
- tomszirLatvia
- yhung124
- zkamvar@reichlab