
First project at the 42 coding school in Lisbon.

Primary LanguageC

My Libft for 42 🔭

Libft is a project from the 42 school curriculum that requires you to recreate some of the standard C library functions.


Here is a brief description of each of the .c files in my Libft project (some files are in the bonus folder):


This file contains the implementation of the isalpha function, which checks if a given character is an alphabetic character.


This file contains the implementation of the isdigit function, which checks if a given character is a digit.


This file contains the implementation of the isalnum function, which checks if a given character is an alphanumeric character.


This file contains the implementation of the isascii function, which checks if a given character is an ASCII character.


This file contains the implementation of the isprint function, which checks if a given character is a printable character.


This file contains the implementation of the strlen function, which calculates the length of a given string.


This file contains the implementation of the memset function, which sets a block of memory to a given value.


This file contains the implementation of the bzero function, which sets a block of memory to zero.


This file contains the implementation of the memcpy function, which copies a block of memory from source to destination.


This file contains the implementation of the memmove function, which copies a block of memory from source to destination, even if the two blocks overlap.


This file contains the implementation of the strlcpy function, which copies a string from source to destination, and ensures that the destination buffer is not overflowed.


This file contains the implementation of the strlcat function, which concatenates two strings and ensures that the destination buffer is not overflowed.


This file contains the implementation of the toupper function, which converts a given character to uppercase.


This file contains the implementation of the tolower function, which converts a given character to lowercase.


This file contains the implementation of the strchr function, which searches a string for a given character and returns a pointer to the first occurrence of that character.


This file contains the implementation of the strncmp function, which compares two strings up to a certain number of characters.


This file contains the implementation of the memchr function, which searches a block of memory for a given character and returns a pointer to the first occurrence of that character.


This file contains the implementation of the memcmp function, which compares two blocks of memory up to a certain number of bytes.


This file contains the implementation of the strnstr function, which searches a string for a given substring up to a certain number of characters.


This file contains the implementation of the atoi function, which converts a string to an integer.


This file contains the implementation of the calloc function, which allocates memory for a number of elements and initializes them to zero.


This file contains the implementation of the strdup function, which duplicates a string. The function takes a string as input and returns a pointer to a new string that is a duplicate of the input string.


This file contains the implementation of the substr function, which extracts a substring from a given string.


This file contains the implementation of the strjoin function, which concatenates two strings.


This file contains the implementation of the strtrim function, which removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from a string.


This file contains the implementation of the split function, which splits a string into an array of substrings based on a delimiter.


This file contains the implementation of the itoa function, which converts an integer to a string.


This file contains the implementation of the strmapi function, which applies a function to each character of a string and returns a new string.


This file contains the implementation of the striteri function, which applies a function to each character of a string.


This file contains the implementation of the putchar_fd function, which writes a character to a file descriptor.


This file contains the implementation of the putstr_fd function, which writes a string to a file descriptor.


This file contains the implementation of the putendl_fd function, which writes a string followed by a newline to a file descriptor.


This file contains the implementation of the putnbr_fd function, which writes an integer to a file descriptor.


This file contains the implementation of the lstnew function, which creates a new linked list node.


This file contains the implementation of the lstadd_front function, which adds a node to the beginning of a linked list.


This file contains the implementation of the lstsize function, which counts the number of nodes in a linked list.


This file contains the implementation of the lstlast function, which returns a pointer to the last node in a linked list.


This file contains the implementation of the lstadd_back function, which takes a pointer to the first node of the list and a pointer to the new node, and it adds the new node to the end of the list.


This file contains the implementation of the lstdelone function, which deletes a node from a linked list. The function takes a pointer to the node that needs to be deleted, and it frees the memory allocated to the node.


This file contains the implementation of the lstclear function, which deletes all the nodes from a linked list. The function takes a pointer to the first node of the list, and it frees the memory allocated to each node in the list.


This file contains the implementation of the lstiter function, which applies a function to each node of a linked list. The function takes a pointer to the first node of the list and a pointer to the function that needs to be applied to each node.


This file contains the implementation of the lstmap function, which creates a new linked list by applying a function to each node of an existing linked list. The function takes a pointer to the first node of the list and a pointer to the function that needs to be applied to each node. It returns a pointer to the first node of the new list.


This file contains the implementation of the itoa function, which converts an integer to a string. The function takes an integer as input and returns a string that represents the integer.


This file contains the implementation of the strrchr function, which finds the last occurrence of a character in a string. The function takes a string and a character as input and returns a pointer to the last occurrence of the character in the string.