Virtual Execution Environments' project: optimize an implementation of Gameboy in C

Primary LanguageC++



# To compile Visual Boy Advance use this in its directory
CXXFLAGS=-fpermissive ./configure

Compilation for Profiling

# To compile Visual Boy Advance with opcode profiling capabilities
# This counts the number of dispatches per opcode and the maximum time
# an opcode's dispatch has taken and produces opcodeextimes.csv and opcodetimes.csv
# in the current directory


# It produces messy results with all compiled objects inside src directories. Install with
sudo make install


This emulator needs to be tested using a GBA ROM file, which can be found, for example, at EmuParadise. In our tests, we used Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 and Bomberman Max 2. # Running from command line under Linux or Mac OS ./VisualBoyAdvance (ROM .gba file)

Original Codebase

Can be found here.

Process VM Interpreter

Uses a decode-and-dispatch approach to emulating the 16.78 MHz ARM7TDMI processor (32bit GameBoy Advance) and the 8 or 4 MHz Z80 coprocessor (8bit GameBoy). Does not rely on data structures for execution, but rather on local variables and calls to functions that implement each opcode functionality. The "big switch" is located inside src/arm-new.h.

Opcode Profiling

We have implemented opcode profiling routines in the emulator that count the number of times a specific opcode is dispatched and, upon the closing of the application, write these results to disk in a convenient CSV format. Analyzing the counts for each opcode's executions (see opcodetimes.csv and mostfrequentopcodes.txt) we come to the conclusion that arithmetic instructions are the most executed, followed by memory loading opcodes, branching instructions and memory storing opcodes. Therefore, instruction optimization priority should follow these results.

Possible optimizations

Version 1.7.2 of the Visual Boy Advance emulator implements the "big switch" of the decode-and-dispatch approach using copious amounts of local variables, function calls, macro expansions for direct array indexing and expression evaluation to prepare certain values for operations. Therefore, possible simple optimizations include cleaning redudant local variables while promoting them to globals, optimizing function implementations and evaluated expressions.

Possible complex optimizations include changing the decode-and-dispatch to an indirect threaded interpretation approach, merging all logic and called functions into a lookup table indexed by the opcode. However, recent GCC versions already decide on optimizing switch-case constructs into lookup tables with function pointers, and this may be pointless.

A predecoding approach may be a possible optimization and a predecoded opcode cache may improve execution times. The GameBoy Advance has atmost 32mb of cartridge ROM, which means that, given a instruction of 32bit size, there would be, atmost, 8.388.608 instructions in a ROM (32mb = 256mbit / 32bit). Given a 4byte sized function pointer (standard in C x86) and up to 3 auxiliar int values (4bytes each), the struct held in cache would occupy 16bytes. That would mean a 134217728bytes = 128mb (8.388.608 * 16bytes) sized cache for all opcodes in a given ROM. We choose to, due to time restrictions, implement predecoding for the statistically ten most executed opcodes (see Opcode Profiling).

Memory Architecture

The GameBoy Advance has a 32 kilobyte internal DRAM + 96 kilobyte VRAM (internal to the CPU) and 256 kilobyte DRAM (outside the CPU). These RAMs are implemented in the form of arrays allocated in the emulator's heap space.

In the following table we attempt to describe all arrays in the emulator.

Name Size VBA array name Description
System Rom 16kb bios BIOS memory. Executable functions to enable faster development.
DRAM 256kb workRAM External work RAM. Can be used for code and data.
Internal RAM 32kb internalRAM This memory is embedded in the CPU and it's the fastest memory section. The 32bit bus means that ARM instructions can be loaded at once. This is available for code and data.
IO RAM 1kb ioMem Memory-mapped IO registers. This section is used to control graphics, sound, buttons and other features.
PAL RAM 1kb paletteRAM Memory for two palettes containing 256 entries of 15-bit colors each. The first is for backgrounds, the second for sprites.
VRAM 96kb vram Video RAM. This is where the data used for backgrounds and sprites are stored. The interpretation of this data depends on a number of things, including video mode and background and sprite settings.
OAM 1kb oam Object Attribute Memory. This is where sprites are controlled.
PAK ROM up to 32mb rom This is the memory of the game cartridge inserted into the console.
Cart RAM variable handled directly (1) This is where saved data is stored. Cart RAM can be in the form of SRAM, Flash ROM or EEPROM. It's present inside the cartridge.
VBA array name Allocation Location (line) Notes
BIOS src/GBA.cpp (1327) Initially, VBA had to load a bios file dumped from the original console directly into this array. Eventually, the bios was reimplemented by functions present in bios.cpp
workRAM src/GBA.cpp (1278)
internalRAM src/GBA.cpp (1334)
ioMem src/GBA.cpp (1369)
paletteRAM src/GBA.cpp (1341)
vram src/GBA.cpp (1348) This allocation asks for more (128kb) than originally needed (92kb)
oam src/GBA.cpp (1355)
rom src/GBA.cpp (1272) Loading is done by reading a file in (src/GBA.cpp - line 1290) and writing to the array through a for loop (line 1322)

(1) Handled directly through functions implemented in VBA. Save files are loaded to memory, written and saved to disk.

Memory Access Functions

Due to GameBoy Advanced's shared address space, switch cases implementing read/write opcodes have to translate (2) given addresses to match the appropriated allocated array in the emulator. Therefore, several auxiliar functions were implemented:

Memory read

CPUReadMemory(address) :-> 32-bit value, GBAinline.h (41)

CPUReadHalfWord(address) :-> 16-bit value, GBAinline.h (159)

CPUReadHalfWordSigned(address) :-> 16-bit value, GBAinline.h (261)

Memory write

void CPUWriteMemory(address, 32-bit value), GBAinline.h (344)

void CPUWriteHalfWord(address, 16-bit value), GBA.cpp (2714)

(2) - Translation is done through 24-bit shift-rights, due to GBA's conveniently laid out address space, to identify one of the memories below:

Memory start end
System ROM 0000:0000h 0000:3FFFh
External Work RAM 0200:0000h 0203:FFFFh
External Work RAM 0300:0000h 0300:7FFFh
IO RAM 0400:0000h 0400:03FFh
PAL RAM 0500:0000h 0500:03FFh
VRAM 0600:0000h 0601:7FFFh
OAM 0700:0000h 0700:03FFh
PAK ROM 0800:0000h variable
Cart RAM 0E00:0000h variable
Initial Results

We have implemented a predecoded instruction cache that contains a struct per opcode inside the ROM. Initially, we fill it for all opcodes with the pointer to a function that implements the default emulator behaviour: the "big-switch" dispatch. Without profiling capabilities, the results are as follows.

Version Minimum (3) Maximum (3)
Original 208% 694%
With cache 207% 671%

The emulator is slowed down by the cached version because there are no opcode caching optimizations in place. Only reading the function pointer from a given opcode's struct in the cache. As it is performing more memory accesses, the emulator is slightly slowed down.

(3) - Percentage of original hardware speed. Minimum is the default speed. Maximum is with maximum throttling (so the emulator performs at full CPU speed).


We optimized the following opcodes: 0x009 - MUL, 0x3cf - BIC, 0x080 - ADD, 0x250 - SUBS and 0xa00-0xaff - B. We did this by caching results from operations inside the switch cases in the instruction case and replacing the initial big switch function pointer with an implementation of the same dispatch function that reads from the cache. We reserve the optimization analysis for the project report.