
Landing Page made with ReactJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Open-Source Or BoilerPlate for Landing Page can be use for Business , N.G.O. etc.

For Both Mobile and Desktop..!!!


  • Clone/Fork this repo and copy the files to your newly created repo.
  • npm install to install all the dependencies.
  • Then-> npm start to start the development server.


  • Remove component which your don't want to use in src/App.js.
  • Path of CSS src/resources/style.css
  • Components that can be edited are is src/components :-
    • Header_Footer
    • Featured [Carosel,Timer Date]
    • Location
    • Pricing
    • Highlights
    • VenueInfo
  • One can change above components name according to his/her user.
  • To change location of map -> Copy the iframe code from google map.
  • To change the ScrollBar-> src/resources/style.css-> Look For ScrollBar at bottom.
  • To use button on any other section , Import it to that section and pass the required props.