School Plus - API

General API system for schools



  • Alpine Linux (very light!)
  • Python +3.9
  • Docker
  • MySQL +8.0
  • Tests


In order to work properly, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Linux
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • - Postman for APIs requests(optional)


First, run the following command to add a new entry in you /etc/hosts

Let's use RFC 2606 for local domain names 😉

echo ' schoolplus.localhost' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Now, inside the project's directory, let's run the following to create all Docker images

make install

With all images up and running, let's create our database

make migration

That's it! Our API is up and running 🙌


There are a few functional tests to test the API behavior and responses. Fell free to run the command below as many times as you want. Tests here are idempotent 🤩

make test


Our API talks only JSON format.

The file schoolplus.postman_collection.json is a Postman file. Import it to test manually the API endpoints:

URL Verb Behavior
/api/v1/student GET Returns all students
/api/v1/student/ GET Returns the student whose ID was given
/api/v1/student/ PATCH Changes a specific student
/api/v1/student/ DELETE Deletes a specific student

PS: I DO RECOMMEND use Postman with the schoolplus.postman_collection.json file for more API details


We use MySQL +8.0 database, and all the schema information is at /api/migrations/


BSD Zero Clause License

Free Software, Hell Yeah!