
Managing Big Data 1B - 17/18 - University of Twente

Primary LanguagePython

Managing Big Data 1B - 17/18 - University of Twente



Run in Farm machine:

For functions that access the stock value dataset (csv files)

time spark-submit --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.5.0 farm.py [function] [user] [company] [day/week/month] [unixBeginTime] [unixEndTime] 2> /dev/null


time spark-submit farm.py [function] [user] [companyName] [day/week/month] [unixBeginTime] [unixEndTime] 2> /dev/null

Run in Cluster:

Before runing any command, run this with the correct user:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/[user]/project

For functions that access the stock value dataset (csv files)

spark-submit --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.5.0 --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster cluster.py [function] [user] [folder] [company] [day/week/month] [unixBeginTime] [unixEndTime]


spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster cluster.py [function] [user] [folder] [company] [day/week/month] [unixBeginTime] [unixEndTime]

Meaning of the arguments

  • function - the name of the function required. Options:
    • getReviews - get the reviews of a company
    • count - count the number of reviews per day/week/month for a company
    • stock - get the stock of a company
    • ratingGroupAvg - get the avg rating per day/month of a company's products
    • ratingAvg - get the total avg of the ratings in a certain time
    • countRatings - number of ratings of a company's products
    • combine - combine stockvalue with rating
  • user - sXXXXXXX for folder paths
  • folder - name of folder to save results
  • company - name of the company to search
  • unixBeginTime - time in unixtimestamp of begin of time to search (default 1Jan2013)
  • unixEndTime - time in unixtimestamp of end of time to search (default 1Jan2014)
  • day/10days/month - string 'day', '10days' or 'month' for group purposes (default day)