
Automated Scalable Bayesian Inference

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bayesian Coresets: Automated, Scalable Inference

This repository provides a python package that can be used to construct Bayesian coresets. It also contains code to run (updated versions of) the experiments in Bayesian Coreset Construction via Greedy Iterative Geodesic Ascent and Sparse Variational Inference: Bayesian Coresets from Scratch in the bayesian-coresets/examples/ folder.

A coreset (i.e. the "core of a dataset") is a small, weighted subset of a dataset that can be used in place of the original dataset when learning a statistical model. If the coreset is much smaller than the original dataset, generally this makes learning faster; but if the coreset is too small, it doesn't represent the original dataset well. Building a coreset that is both small and a good approximation for the purposes of Bayesian inference is what the code in this repository does.

Repository Status

The most recent update (Oct 2020):

  • improves command line argument specification using argparse
  • implements pseudocoresets
  • incorporates weighted STAN samplers for MCMC inference

But: the repository is no longer thoroughly tested. Examples run and generate verified output using Python 3. Python 2 is not tested. Unit tests have not yet been updated. Work is in progress.

Installation and Dependencies

To install with pip, download the repository and run pip3 install . --user in the repository's root folder.


Sparse Regression

The least computationally expensive way of building a coreset is often to discretize your data log-likelihoods and solve a sparse linear regression problem with the discretized log-likelihood vectors. The bc.HilbertCoreset class implements these, and examples of their use can be found in the examples/. The primary drawback of this sort of technique is that the user must select/design discretization points for the log-likelihoods. The examples in this repository achieve this by using samples from a weighting distribution based on the Laplace posterior approximation.

Sparse Variational Inference

The easiest / most automated way of building a coreset is to solve a sparse variational inference problem. While this doesn't require any user input beyond a generative model and dataset, it is typically much more computationally costly than the sparse regression-based methods above. The bc.SparseVICoreset class implements this method, and examples of its use may be found in the examples/ folder.


With very high dimensional data, it is sometimes not possible to summarize the data with a sparse subset. In these situations, one can sometimes still summarize with pseudodata, or synthetic data. The bc.BatchPSVICoreset class implements this method.


Below are some papers to cite if you find the algorithms in this repository useful in your own research:

License Info

This code is offered under the MIT License.