
MongoDB loader for GPC product data

Primary LanguageKotlin


Data Source



Usage: cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit

  loadXml        loads GPC bricks from XML file
  loadCsv        Load GPC Bricks from CSV (defunct)
  loadCustom     loads custom bricks
  createIndexes  creates indexes on the bricks collection


MongoDB Indexes

db.brick.createIndex({ "familyCode": 1 })
db.brick.createIndex({ "classCode": 1, "attribute.code": 1 })
db.brick.createIndex({ "segmentCode": 1 })
db.brick.createIndex({ "attribute.code": 1 })
db.brick.createIndex({ "creationDate": 1 })
    "text": "text",
    "attributes.text": "text",
    "attributes.values.text": "text",
    weights: {
        "text": 10,
        "attributes.text": 5,
        "attributes.values.text": 1
    name: "textIdx"

Atlas FTS Definition

Must be created through the Atlas console or API.

    "analyzer": "lucene.standard",
    "searchAnalyzer": "lucene.standard",
    "mappings": {
        "dynamic": false,
        "fields": {
            "attributes": {
                "type": "document",
                "fields": {
                    "values": {
                        "type": "document",
                        "fields": {
                            "text": {
                                "type": "string"
                    "text": {
                        "type": "string"
            "text": {
                "type": "string",
                "analyzer": "lucene.standard"


Find All Bricks for Family

    "familyCode": 50200000

Find All Bricks for Class

    "classCode": 50202200

Find All Bricks for Segment

    "segmentCode": 50000000

Find Brick for Id

    "_id": 10001688

Find All Attributes for Brick

    "_id": 10001688
    "attributes": 1

Find All Bricks with Attributes x…

    "attributes.code": 20003029

Find all Bricks with Attributes x… and of Class y

    "classCode": 94022200,
    "attributes.code": 20003029

Count all Bricks for Class

    "classCode": 94022200

Count all Bricks for Family

    "familyCode": 50200000

Find all Bricks from date created

    "creationDate": { $gt: ISODate("2020-10-19T11:16:15.309Z") }

Find all Classes

Use $group to extract the distinct classes from bricks or create a dynamic or materialised view.

Probably just create separate collections for segments, families and classes which contains the full metadata and only embed relevant information into bricks for fast querying.

// dynamic view
db.createView("classes", "brick", [
        $group: {
            _id: "$classCode",
            classText: { $first: "$classText" }
        $project: {
            _id: 0,
            classCode: "$_id",
            classText: 1

// materialized view
        $group: {
            _id: "$classCode",
            classText: { $first: "$classText" }
        $out: "classes"

// search

Find All Families

Could use $group to extract the distinct families from bricks or create a dynamic or materialised view as below.

Probably just create separate collections for segments, families and classes which contains the full metadata and only embed relevant information into bricks for fast querying.

// dynamic view
db.createView("families", "brick", [
        $group: {
            _id: "$familyCode",
            familyText: { $first: "$familyText" }
        $project: {
            _id: 0,
            familyCode: "$_id",
            familyText: 1

// materialised view
        $group: {
            _id: "$familyCode",
            familyText: { $first: "$familyText" }
    }, {
        $out: "families"

// search

Full text search of brick by name and attribute

MongoDB $text index can used for this. Dields can be weighted and results can be sorted by relevance. Stemming and pluralisation is performed but does not support partial word matching.

Atlas full-text search goes further; it supports partial word matches, autocomplete capabilities and a dizzying array of other options. It is backed by the Lucene engine (used by Elastic amongst other products). Atlas automatically keeps the Lucene index up-to-date as data is inserted / modified - no user intervention required.

// full text search using MongoDB text index
        $text: { $search: "cigars" }
      text: 1,
      "attributes.text": 1,
        score: { $meta: "textScore" }
).sort({ score: { $meta: "textScore" } })

// fuzzy full text search using Atlas
    $search: {
      "text": {
        "query": "Cigars",
        "path": ["text", "attributes.text", "attributes.values.text"],
        "fuzzy": {
          maxEdits: 2
    $project: {
      text: 1,
      "attributes.text": 1,
      score: { $meta: "searchScore" }

Data Changes

Updating Class text

This would be wrapped in a transaction to make the update atomic.

    classCode: 50270100
    $set: {
        classText: "New Fruit name"

Adding a new Attribute to a Brick

    _id: 10000002  // brickCode
    $push: {
        attributes: {
            code: 20000999,
            text: "If Tropical",
            values: [{
                code: 30002960,
                text: "NO"
                code: 30002518,
                text: "UNIDENTIFIED"
                code: 30002654,
                text: "YES"

Adding a new Value to an Attribute

This would be wrapped in a transaction to make the update atomic.

    "attributes.code": 20003029
    $push: {
        "attributes.$[attr].values": {
            code: 30009999,
            text: "DISPLAY"
    arrayFilters: [{
        "attr.code": 20003029

Renaming an existing Attribute text

Change value text for 30002518 from "UNIDENTIFIED" to "UNKNOWN".

Wrap with transaction for atomicity.

    "attributes.values.code": 30002518
    $set: {
        "attributes.$[].values.$[val].text": "UNKNOWN"
    arrayFilters: [{
        "val.code": 30002518



  • M10 Atlas Cluster (2x vCPU, 2GB RAM)
  • 8-Core AWS EC2 in the same Region as Atlas Cluster

Search for a single brick

{ _id: 10007523 }

time queries/s docs/s latency p50 latency p95 latency p99
2020-10-19T15:46:15 1937 1937 1.31ms 2.35ms 7.38ms
2020-10-19T15:46:16 7026 7026 975us 1.55ms 3.61ms
2020-10-19T15:46:17 8167 8167 911us 1.06ms 1.32ms
2020-10-19T15:46:18 8959 8959 845us 1.01ms 1.34ms
2020-10-19T15:46:19 9113 9113 838us 987us 1.25ms
2020-10-19T15:46:20 9025 9025 839us 979us 1.22ms
2020-10-19T15:46:21 9120 9120 837us 980us 1.18ms
2020-10-19T15:46:22 9130 9130 839us 970us 1.11ms
2020-10-19T15:46:23 8899 8899 838us 1.01ms 1.28ms
2020-10-19T15:46:24 9094 9094 837us 979us 1.26ms
2020-10-19T15:46:25 9093 9093 840us 968us 1.12ms
2020-10-19T15:46:26 8595 8595 843us 1.09ms 2.10ms
2020-10-19T15:46:27 8611 8611 845us 1.04ms 1.42ms

MongoDB CPU @ ~70%

Search for all bricks with attribute (~822 bricks)

{ "attributes.code": 20003029 }

Initial run

time queries/s docs/s latency p50 latency p95 latency p99
2020-10-19T16:00:07 160 131931 50.0ms 570ms 620ms
2020-10-19T16:00:08 206 169042 38.5ms 75.0ms 105ms
2020-10-19T16:00:09 200 164349 38.4ms 69.3ms 94.6ms
2020-10-19T16:00:10 201 165312 39.0ms 74.1ms 88.5ms
2020-10-19T16:00:11 204 167299 37.2ms 77.0ms 88.6ms
2020-10-19T16:00:12 199 163720 38.9ms 78.6ms 88.5ms
2020-10-19T16:00:13 201 164830 39.1ms 77.3ms 87.9ms
2020-10-19T16:00:14 201 165533 38.9ms 76.8ms 88.3ms
2020-10-19T16:00:15 206 169149 38.2ms 69.2ms 79.4ms
2020-10-19T16:00:16 304 249608 39.3ms 69.6ms 98.7ms

MongoDB CPU @ 100% causing high latencies and queuing

Second run - TPS limited to 100 in the test harness

time queries/s docs/s latency p50 latency p95 latency p99
2020-10-19T16:05:51 48 39571 8.47ms 549ms 588ms
2020-10-19T16:05:52 100 82564 7.93ms 21.4ms 25.0ms
2020-10-19T16:05:53 98 80733 7.58ms 11.1ms 11.6ms
2020-10-19T16:05:54 98 80611 7.43ms 11.3ms 11.7ms
2020-10-19T16:05:55 99 81425 7.38ms 8.02ms 19.5ms
2020-10-19T16:05:56 98 80611 7.46ms 7.90ms 10.9ms
2020-10-19T16:05:57 99 81423 7.34ms 7.88ms 11.2ms
2020-10-19T16:05:58 99 81444 7.29ms 7.69ms 10.9ms
2020-10-19T16:05:59 99 81422 7.23ms 7.59ms 11.0ms
2020-10-19T16:06:00 98 80599 7.32ms 8.76ms 13.9ms
2020-10-19T16:06:01 99 81510 7.28ms 8.34ms 10.9ms
2020-10-19T16:06:02 99 81450 8.10ms 10.8ms 18.1ms

MongoDB CPU @ 35% - latencies more reasonable

Search across brick text, attribute text and attribute value text using FTS

{ $text: { $search: "cigars" } }

time queries/s docs/s latency p50 latency p95 latency p99
2020-10-19T16:21:16 1723 5169 1.36ms 3.39ms 11.6ms
2020-10-19T16:21:17 5609 16827 1.07ms 3.16ms 6.45ms
2020-10-19T16:21:18 7383 22150 993us 1.25ms 1.61ms
2020-10-19T16:21:19 7595 22786 967us 1.31ms 1.79ms
2020-10-19T16:21:20 7815 23444 950us 1.32ms 1.73ms
2020-10-19T16:21:21 7739 23217 952us 1.35ms 1.82ms
2020-10-19T16:21:22 7328 21983 960us 1.45ms 2.76ms
2020-10-19T16:21:23 7622 22866 954us 1.30ms 2.25ms
2020-10-19T16:21:24 7882 23646 946us 1.27ms 1.60ms
2020-10-19T16:21:25 7778 23335 942us 1.26ms 1.63ms

MongoDB CPU @ ~80%