Users can store their Medical Records with user Ownership. By Default the files are private if users want they can make it as public.
In case of Emergency (like accident, where user maybe unconscious), the user will have his/her own unique ID, Which allows medical personals to see his/her Age, Name, Blood Group, Allergies, Medications and other public documents.
We allow users to monetize their data by setting a price of their medical records. This allows users to receive compensation for sharing their data. Additionally, ensuring that they have complete control over their data.
- Filecoin Virtual Machine
- Solidity
- Wagmi
- LightHouse Storage
- Hardhat
- NFT.Storage
- TypeScript
- NextJs
- ChakraUI
Open up your terminal (or command prompt) and navigate to a directory you would like to store this code on. Once there type in the following command:
git clone
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn dev
You can also check token contract addresses at frontend/src/data/index.ts
PARENTCONTRACT = '0xbF3f51f707766f519D3a57C1fFec0CF896ed8607';
TOKENCONTRACT = '0x4Aa6f714Cb8a6e58a31477B3913f054572138273';
TOKENFACTORYCONTRACT = '0xD4F35bb5DB18F03146aff7Fc0a0E3b438FA3492d';
- Metamask Wallet.
- Polygon Testnet Account with some Balance.
Copy and paste the url in preferred browser.
Now, you will get land in our landing page..... Click on Connect Button and connect with Polygon Testnet.
After connecting with your account you will redirected to the signup page. It will look like this....
fill required files and click on submit..... if it doesn't work, please click on submit button again. then confirm the transaction...
After Transaction Successfull, you will redirect to the profile page and it will look like this...
To Upload New Document click on the "Upload New Document" Button, then you will get a popup page..... like this...
Fill the details and upload the file..... And wait till the Transaction Success.... Once Transaction Confirmed You will get something like this.......
You can see 3 buttons in above tab...
- 1st for give access.
- 2nd for download document
- 3rd for copy link
Now with that link ony the people who have access can see the document.
After Uploading the file, if your document is not visible on your profile tab, please check your Network Connection.
If Possible Please use your Personal Hotspot.
Thank You.........