
A basic crud web application using ASP.NET Core MVC and MongoDB.

Primary LanguageHTML

UserDetails - ASP.NET Core App with MongoDB

A basic CRUD and search web application using ASP.NET Core MVC and MongoDB. Written in C#, ASP.NET Core MVC and MongoDB, the application has features to add, update, delete and filter/search User Details.

Table of Content


Design and build a RESTful API that implements the following features:

  1. Save, retrieve, update, and delete user information.
  2. Search user information using criteria age range AND / OR a list of home states.

Bonus points: Support for additional parameters

  1. Home type
  2. Home zip code
  3. Number of kids

Tech Stack

  • C#, ASP.NET Core MVC
  • MongoDB

Preview Demo


Trello Board

The following project has been excuted with the help of tracking task in Trello Board.

Importing Data in MongoDB

Pre-requisite: MongoDB should be installed on the machine where you will be running this app.

Prior running the application, please follow the below step to set up the database:

  • Create a database named 'Users'
  • Create a collection named 'userDetails' in the newly created database.
  • Navigate to data folder and select users.json file.
  • Import the users.json in MongoDB collection.

Instructions for running the application

Below are the step for running the application

  • Git clone the repo on your machine.
  • Get the data ready in MongoDB as described in the previous section.
  • Once, data is set up, open visual studio 2017, build and run the application.

Thank you!