
OpenJobs is a simple Demo project which aims to demonstrate the Jobs list using MVVM pattern with RxSwift in Swift. 

Primary LanguageSwift



  • iOS 12.0+
  • Xcode 11.3.1
  • Swift 5.0


This is a simple Demo project which aims to demonstrate some examples of MVVM pattern + RxSwift in Swift using clean architecture, SOLID principles code organisation, loose coupling, unit testing and some of the best practices used in modern iOS programming using Swift.

App Goal:

  • This project was intended to work as a Job information demo projects for iOS using Swift.
  • The demo uses the Jobs API since it is well-maintained API which returns information in a JSON format.
  • The goal is to create a Jobs Feed app which gives a user regularly-updated jobs from the internet related to a particular topic, person, or location.
  • Use of UITableViewController to display Jobs information.
  • Implemented Unit test for business logic
  • Persistent data using core data


  • For job list, app polls the following URL: Jobs API
  • This will return jobs list in JSON format. For more information API documentation
  • It Persistent data using core data.


  • Xcode 11.3(required)
  • Clean /DerivedData folder if any
  • Run the pod install pod install
  • Run Cuckoo script to Mock your Swift objects ./Cuckoo-GeneratedMocks.sh
  • Run SwiftGen script to generator Swift code for assets, Localizable.strings etc ./generate-swiftgen.sh
  • Then clean and build the project in Xcode

3rd Party Libraries

Design patterns:


MVVM stands for “Model View ViewModel”, and it’s a software architecture often used by Apple developers to replace MVC. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) is a structural design pattern that separates objects into three distinct groups:

  • Models hold application data. They’re usually structs or simple classes.
  • Views display visual elements and controls on the screen. They’re typically - subclasses of UIView.
  • View models transform model information into values that can be displayed on a view. They’re usually classes, so they can be passed around as references.

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App Demo

  • The first tab is the Open Jobs tab, which contains all Open Jobs.
  • The second tab is the Closed Jobs tab, which contains all Closed Jobs.