
This library provides a set of specific agenda around themes like country, company, religious, etc. Agenda offers a set of different calendars of recurrent, computable, date specifics to a topic.

Below the list of current available agenda:

  • BelgianAgenda: this agenda offers a set of calendars related to the belgian country as official holidays, school holiday, etc.

Create an agenda

You can create an agenda by using the static method Create of the AgendaFactory, with the type or interface of the agenda you want create as generic type parameter of the method.

var agenda = AgendaFactory.Create<IBelgianAgenda>();

You can choose a specific year for the calendar by passing the value as parameter.

var agenda = AgendaFactory.Create<IBelgianAgenda>(2002);

Custom Calendar

Each Agenda defines its own set of CustomCalendar. A CustomCalendar gather specific Event.

// Retrieves the specific BelgianHolidaysCalendar class which defines as set of holidays event.
var holidaysCalendar = agenda.Holidays;

// Acces properties of the specific BelgianHolidaysCalendar
var easterHolidays = holidaysCalendar.Easter;
var laborDayHolidays = holidaysCalendar.LaborDay;

The Event model defines

  • The StartDate property which contains the start date of the event,
  • The EndDate property which contains the end date of the event,
  • The Name property which contains the name of the holidays
  • The LocalName method which returns the localized name of the holidays.

The LocalName depends on the CurrentUICulture value of the current thread.

For one day events, the StartDate and the EndDate values are the same.

CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("fr");
var easter = agenda.Holidays.Easter;
Console.WriteLine($"{easter.Name} happens on {easter.Date.ToShortDateString()} and is said {easter.LocalName()} in {CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.EnglishName}");

 * Produces the following output:
 * Easter happens on 17/04/2022 and is said Pâques in French (France)

Set of holidays

You can retrieve a list of Event by using the GetAll or the Get method.

The Get method allows you to select a custom subset of Event,

  • either by passing wanted properties as parameters:
var subset = holidaysCalendar.Get(cal => cal.LaborDay, cal => cal.Easter);
  • either by passing the name of the holidays as parameters:
var subset = holidaysCalendar.Get("Labor Day", "Easter");

Get(params string[] args) method returns a EventNotFoundException when the name of the event isn't found in the set of properties.


You can localize the LocalName value of the Event by setting the CurrentUICulture value. The culture available are depending on the calendar.

foreach (var holiday in agenda.Holidays.GetAll())
    var line = $"{holiday.Name}: {holiday.StartDate.ToShortDateString()}{Environment.NewLine}";
    foreach (var culture in calendar.Holidays.GetCultures())
        CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(culture);
        line += $"\t{culture}: {holiday.LocalName()}{Environment.NewLine}";

Belgian Agenda


Integrate the BelgianAgenda to a Web API project by using the AddBelgianAgendaController method as below:
