Dipner Reddy's Portfolio

A personal portfolio website built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Aceternity UI.

Table of Contents


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/dipnerreddy/dipnerreddyPortfolio.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory

    cd your-portfolio
  3. Install dependencies

    npm install


  1. Run the development server
    npm run dev
  2. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000


  • Modern and responsive design using Tailwind CSS
  • Components and styles from Aceternity UI
  • Smooth navigation with Next.js


  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch.
    git checkout -b feature-branch
  • Make your changes.
  • Commit your changes.
    git commit -m "Add some feature"
  • Push to the branch.
    git push origin feature-branch
  • Open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
