
Simple SwiftUI ViewModifier to easily align your views!

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Align gives you an easy way to align views in SwiftUI.

Simply import Align in whichever SwiftUI view you like and you're good to go. Align supplies the simple align ViewModifier which you can add to any view.

To put your view on the left, it's as simple as:

Text("Hello, world!").align(.left)

There are 6 different alignments provided by my ViewAlignment enum:


The way it works is by creating spacers in a VStack / HStack around your view to position it how you like.

This library is pretty simple at just one source file - check out Sources/Align/Align.swift for the code and SwiftUI previews for each alignment.

I would honestly recommend just copying the source code directly your own project to avoid littering your code with import Align. If you do, I'd really appreciate a star on Github!

Pull requests and constructive criticism welcome.