
An extra layer of abstraction to Core Data predicates, this uses Swift enums to give us clearly defined predicates that can easily be combined into a single value that outputs the combined NSPredicate and NSCompoundPredicate formulas

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Swifty Enum Predicates

This is an easy way to abstract Core Data Predicates into Swift Enums, as it ensures consistency with your filters, since you won't need to interact with the predicates directly (less risk of typos etc upon reuse). As long as your object (doesn't have to be an enum even) conforms to the Filtering protocol (which simply produces an NSPredicate or NSCompoundPredicate) it can be used with this helper.

There are two main Enums involved:

  1. Operator accepts an array of anything conforming to Filtering, and can be set to AND or OR to determine how to filter the included items, like: (This AND That) OR (This OR That)
  2. Filter provides the enum cases to use for filtering. Combined with Operators, you can create complex filter predicates with ease.

Example Usage

let filter: Operator = .AND([

//should get: (state == "active" OR state == "expired") AND color == "red" AND icon == "timer"