
Command line utility for searching and downloading exploits

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Current Release Downloads PayPal


Command line search and download tool for Vulners Database inspired by searchsploit. It allows you to search online for the exploits across all the most popular collections: Exploit-DB, Metasploit, Packetstorm and others. The most powerful feature is immediate exploit source download right in your working path.

Python version

Utility was tested on a python2.6, python2.7, python3.6 with SQLite FTS4 support. If you have found any bugs, don't hesitate to open issue

How to use

Install: pip install getsploit

Obtain Vulners API key

Please, register at Vulners website. Go to the personal menu by clicking at your name at the right top corner. Follow "API KEYS" tab. Generate API key with scope "api" and use it with the getsploit.


# pip install getsploit
# getsploit wordpress 4.7.0
Total found exploits: 8
Web-search URL: https://vulners.com/search?query=bulletinFamily%3Aexploit%20AND%20wordpress%204.7.0
|          ID          |         Exploit Title          |                        URL                         |
|  PACKETSTORM:141039  | WordPress 4.7.0 / 4.7.1 Insert | https://vulners.com/packetstorm/PACKETSTORM:141039 |
|                      | PHP Code Injection             |                                                    |
|     EDB-ID:41308     | WordPress 4.7.0/4.7.1 Plugin   |     https://vulners.com/exploitdb/EDB-ID:41308     |
|                      | Insert PHP - PHP Code          |                                                    |
|                      | Injection                      |                                                    |
|     EDB-ID:41223     | WordPress 4.7.0/4.7.1 -        |     https://vulners.com/exploitdb/EDB-ID:41223     |
|                      | Unauthenticated Content        |                                                    |
|                      | Injection (PoC)                |                                                    |
|  PACKETSTORM:140893  | WordPress 4.7.0 / 4.7.1 REST   | https://vulners.com/packetstorm/PACKETSTORM:140893 |
|                      | API Privilege Escalation       |                                                    |
|  PACKETSTORM:140902  | WordPress 4.7.0 / 4.7.1        | https://vulners.com/packetstorm/PACKETSTORM:140902 |
|                      | Content Injection / Code       |                                                    |
|                      | Execution                      |                                                    |
|  PACKETSTORM:140901  | WordPress 4.7.0 / 4.7.1        | https://vulners.com/packetstorm/PACKETSTORM:140901 |
|                      | Content Injection Proof Of     |                                                    |
|                      | Concept                        |                                                    |
|     EDB-ID:41224     | WordPress 4.7.0/4.7.1 -        |     https://vulners.com/exploitdb/EDB-ID:41224     |
|                      | Unauthenticated Content        |                                                    |
|                      | Injection Arbitrary Code       |                                                    |
|                      | Execution                      |                                                    |
|      SSV-92637       | WordPress REST API content     |        https://vulners.com/seebug/SSV-92637        |
|                      | injection                      |                                                    |

Save exploit files

# getsploit -m wordpress 4.7.0
Total found exploits: 8
Web-search URL: https://vulners.com/search?query=bulletinFamily%3Aexploit%20AND%20wordpress%204.7.0
|          ID          |         Exploit Title          |                        URL                         |
|  PACKETSTORM:141039  | WordPress 4.7.0 / 4.7.1 Insert | https://vulners.com/packetstorm/PACKETSTORM:141039 |
|                      | PHP Code Injection             |                                                    |
|     EDB-ID:41308     | WordPress 4.7.0/4.7.1 Plugin   |     https://vulners.com/exploitdb/EDB-ID:41308     |
|                      | Insert PHP - PHP Code          |                                                    |
|                      | Injection                      |                                                    |
|     EDB-ID:41223     | WordPress 4.7.0/4.7.1 -        |     https://vulners.com/exploitdb/EDB-ID:41223     |
|                      | Unauthenticated Content        |                                                    |
|                      | Injection (PoC)                |                                                    |
|  PACKETSTORM:140893  | WordPress 4.7.0 / 4.7.1 REST   | https://vulners.com/packetstorm/PACKETSTORM:140893 |
|                      | API Privilege Escalation       |                                                    |
|  PACKETSTORM:140902  | WordPress 4.7.0 / 4.7.1        | https://vulners.com/packetstorm/PACKETSTORM:140902 |
|                      | Content Injection / Code       |                                                    |
|                      | Execution                      |                                                    |
|  PACKETSTORM:140901  | WordPress 4.7.0 / 4.7.1        | https://vulners.com/packetstorm/PACKETSTORM:140901 |
|                      | Content Injection Proof Of     |                                                    |
|                      | Concept                        |                                                    |
|     EDB-ID:41224     | WordPress 4.7.0/4.7.1 -        |     https://vulners.com/exploitdb/EDB-ID:41224     |
|                      | Unauthenticated Content        |                                                    |
|                      | Injection Arbitrary Code       |                                                    |
|                      | Execution                      |                                                    |
|      SSV-92637       | WordPress REST API content     |        https://vulners.com/seebug/SSV-92637        |
|                      | injection                      |                                                    |

# ls
LICENSE         README.md       getsploit.py    wordpress-470
# cd wordpress-470
# ls
edb-id41223.txt         edb-id41224.txt         edb-id41308.txt         packetstorm140893.txt   packetstorm140901.txt   packetstorm140902.txt   packetstorm141039.txt   ssv-92637.txt

Local database

If your Python supports sqlite3 lib(builtin) you can use --update and --local commands to download whole exploit database to your PC. After update you can perform local offline searches.

# getsploit --update
Downloading getsploit database archive. Please wait, it may take time. Usually around 5-10 minutes.
219642496/219642496 [100.00%]
Unpacking database.
Database download complete. Now you may search exploits using --local key './getsploit.py -l wordpress 4.7'