
An R Package to install RAVE

Primary LanguageR


An R Package to install RAVE

What's RAVE

RAVE - R Analysis and Visualization of ECOG Data

RAVE is designed for neuroscience reseachers to analyze Electrocorticography data - a type of data with high resolution - by just clicking the buttons.

For more details, please check the github repository and Beauchamp's lab wiki


This package is almost written in R, a cross-platform functional programming language that is designed for data scientists. It's easy to use.

What if I don't know R?

You don't even need to know R in order to use RAVE. RAVE has user interface that let you "click the buttons".

Why should I use RAVE

RAVE is aimed at reproducing your research findings in an interactive way. It has the following main features

  • Powerful preprocessing engine: You don't need to write code to transform/clean the data.
  • Your research results are reproducable: RAVE let you design your own scripts as modules and display your modules interactively. Anyone who uses RAVE can then reproduce your results.
  • Interactive results: Just click the buttons to change your parameters. You don't have to use too much command lines.
  • Interacting with SUMA, a powerful tools that is well-developed, and widely used in fRMI, EEG and ECoG
  • It follows BIDS format, which is designed format for ECoG data.