
File IO for RAVE Project

Primary LanguageR

File IO Package for 'RAVE' Project

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'RAVE' is a R project that aims at providing interactive analysis and visualization of intracranial Electroencephalography. Developed by Beauchamp's Lab, supported by NIH 1R24MH117529

This package is part of rave family that provides readers from multiple file formats, including:

  • EDF(+), BrainVision, BIDS-iEEG, Matlab files commonly used by neuroscientists
  • HDF5, common file format used by 'Matlab', 'Python', 'C++', and 'R'
  • FST, a file format that supports GB-level read/write speed

Internally support 'RAVE' format; see wiki page.


raveio is part of rave. Please install rave directly from the wiki page.

To install raveio alone, simply type R command:



Please cite the following paper for publication use:

  • Magnotti, JF, Wang, Z, Beauchamp, MS. RAVE: comprehensive open-source software for reproducible analysis and visualization of intracranial EEG data. NeuroImage, 223, p.117341. (DOI)

Please consider citing the following paper as well:

  • Metzger BA, Magnotti JF, Wang Z, Nesbitt E, Karas PJ, Yoshor D, Beauchamp MS. Responses to Visual Speech in Human Posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus Examined with iEEG Deconvolution. Journal of Neuroscience (DOI)
  • Karas PJ, Magnotti JF, Metzger BA, Zhu LL, Smith KB, Yoshor D, Beauchamp MS. The visual speech head start improves perception and reduces superior temporal cortex responses to auditory speech. eLife 2019;8:e48116 (DOI)

You can type print(citation('raveio'), bibtex = TRUE) to print details.