Distributed Group Chat

Language Used: Go(version go1.19.5) with gRPC and protobuf 3

Invoke all the commands in the directory where docker-compose.yml file is located (i.e project root directory).

To build the containers run

docker-compose build

or alternatively you can run

source build_all.sh

The docker-compose.yml file creates a docker network called cs2510, on which 8 containers run:

  • 1 server_i
  • database_i

To start the containers run

docker-compose up -d

To stop the containers run

docker-compose down

So if you want to add a new client container which connects to the server, you can do so by:

# chat-client is the name of the client image.
docker run -it --net=chat chat-client

To check the logs of the server

# chat_server is the name of the server container
docker container logs chat_server 

By default the server runs on port 3000, which is exposed to the host machine The client binary can also be invoked by the following command in the client container

./client -host <server_addr/ip> -port <server_port_number>