
Project Repository for Project 2: Library-based Application Development

Primary LanguageC++


Welcome to the project repository for Project 2: Library-based Application Development.


OneSecure is a library-based application developed as part of a college project.

About This Program

This application is a library-based application, aiming to secure a message or text using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Pixel Value Differencing (PVD) cryptographic encryption methods.

This application allows users to input a text which will then be encrypted using AES method and can also be encrypted using PVD method.

The application is also equipped with a decryption feature that allows users to decrypt messages or texts that have been previously encrypted by AES or PVD methods.


  1. Encrypt Message (AES)
  2. Decrypt Message (AES)
  3. Encrypt Message (PVD)
  4. Decrypt Message (PVD)

Getting Started

To get started with OneSecure, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone https://github.com/dirarmdn/OneSecure.git
    cd onesecure

About Us

1B / D3 - Informatics Engineering

Our Team Member(s) 🤖:

  1. Alya Gustiani N. A (231511035) [https://github.com/alyagustiani]
  2. Dhira Ramadini (231511041) [https://github.com/dirarmdn]
  3. Dwika Ali Ramdhan I (231511042) [https://github.com/DAliRIJTK]
  4. Muammar Syahid R (231511052) [https://github.com/syahiddrr]
  5. M Raihan Pratama (231511055) [https://github.com/marukoderu]

Our Manager 😎: Yadhi Aditya Permana, ST, M.Kom NIP 197912242008121001

Function and Procedure


  1. subBytes
  2. shiftRows
  3. invSubBytes
  4. shiftRow
  5. invShiftRows
  6. invShiftRow
  7. aes_decrypt
  8. aes_encrypt
  9. printHex
  10. printASCII
  11. getSBoxValue
  12. rotate
  13. getSBoxInvert
  14. getRconValue
  15. core
  16. expandKey
  17. addRoundKey
  18. mixColumns
  19. mixColumn
  20. aes_round
  21. createRoundKey
  22. aes_main
  23. invMixColumns
  24. invMixColumn
  25. aes_invMain


  1. readPNG
  2. savePNG
  3. embedMessage
  4. extractMessage