
Node.js client

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

limitd is a simple daemon for rate limiting highly available applications.

This repository contains the client library for node.js.


npm install limitd-client --save

Example usage

var LimitdClient = require('limitd-client');
var limitd = new LimitdClient('limitd://localhost:9001');

//express middleware
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
  limitd.take('user', req.username, function (err, resp) {
    if (err) return next(err);

      'X-RateLimit-Limit':     resp.limit,
      'X-RateLimit-Remaining': resp.remaining,
      'X-RateLimit-Reset':     resp.reset

    if (resp.conformant) return next();

    // The 429 status code indicates that the user has sent too many
    // requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").


limitd.take(type, key, count?, callback)

Take if available count amount of tokens from the bucket with key key of type type.

count defaults to 1.

The callback will be call either with an Error object or a Response object.

  • response.conformant: boolean indicating if the traffic is conformant or not.
  • response.limit: indicates the size of this bucket.
  • response.remaining: the amount of remaining tokens in the bucket.
  • response.reset: a unix timestamp indicating when the bucket is going to be full again.
  • response.delayed: always false for TAKE requests.

limitd.wait(type, key, count?, callback)

Take or Wait for count amount of tokens from the bucket with key key of type type.

count defaults to 1.

The callback will be call either with an Error object or a Response object.

  • response.delayed: boolean indicating if this request was delayed due to insufficient tokens in the bucket.
  • response.limit: indicates the size of this bucket.
  • response.remaining: the amount of remaining tokens in the bucket.
  • response.reset: a unix timestamp indicating when the bucket is going to be full again.
  • response.conformant: always true for WAIT requests.

limitd.put(type, key, count?, callback) (alias reset)

Force put count amount of tokens in the bucket with key key of type type.

count defaults to the size of the bucket.

The callback will be call either with an Error object or a Response object.

  • response.limit: indicates the size of this bucket.
  • response.remaining: the amount of remaining tokens in the bucket.
  • response.reset: a unix timestamp indicating when the bucket is going to be full again.

This is useful for buckets that are not automatically filled or when the application needs to force a reset.


MIT 2015 - AUTH0 INC.