
Waracle Tech Challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cake App


This is a simple SPA for cakes! It is an application, where people can post pictures of their cakes along with name, comment and yum factor and share it with others. The application is build using ReactJS.


In order to develop/run this project, you will need. NodeJS version v8.9.1. nvm can be used in order to install node and npm.

How to Install

For the installation of the project follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository locally
git clone https://github.com/dirchev/cake-app
  1. Enter project directory

On Linux

cd cake-app
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. You are good to go!

Dev Commands

There are various commands, that help developing the application.

Start dev env

npm start

Runs a simple server, serving the needed files to localhost:3000. It also watches for changes in all required js and scss files and in case of change refreshes the app.


In order to build production ready bundles:

For js bundle

npm run build-js

For css bundle

npm run build-css

For both

npm run build


There are no tests implemented atm, but in case test env has to be used, run:

npm run test

This executes jest CLI, which watches for test files and runs tests when a file changes. (it also has different functionality to run all tests, only failed, etc.)


There is really no deploy script, as a heroku is set up to deploy the application on push to master. However, in order to deploy this application somewhere else, all is needed to do is

npm run build # builds a full set of files in the /build dir

and then all of the files have to be served by a server, where if a file does not exists, the index.html file must be returned (this way the routing of the SPA is handled properly).