
Code for the koop website

Primary LanguageJavaScript



We're employing what would be called a MENN stack or MongoDB, Express, NextJS, NodeJS.

Database: DynamoDB

Server: NodeJS

Middleware: Express

Front-end: NextJS

Extra Libraries

  1. fontawesome

    Just a library for cool icons

  2. body-parser

    Works with express, makes the whole body thing for the res part of (req, res)

  3. bootstrap

    Does a lot of css for us

  4. crypto-random-string

    This just gives us really secure strings for session or anything else that needs hashing.

  5. dotenv

    Allows us to use environment variables for NodeJS, this is where you see process.env.VARIABLE

  6. express-session

    Helps with using session storage, super simple using express-session to use session storage.

  7. framer-motion

    This is our animation library, makes it easy for us to do animations reactish through JSX

  8. helmet

    Gives us basic protection like CORS and stuff.

  9. lodash

    Really good for basic functions that do really cool stuff, you can see this on index.js

  10. mongoose

    ORM for mongoDB

  11. morgan

    Logging for HTTP/HTTPS stuff

  12. next-redux-wrapper

    A wrapper around redux that allows for easy NextJS integration.

  13. normalize.css

    Still thinking about this one, its like reset.css, but yeah its a way to make for cross-browser support and to allow for basic and baseline styling.

  14. pm2

    Better than node app.js, it runs 4 concurrent instances for load balancing and to allow for failure for other servers.

  15. react-redux

    Essentially a library built for react with redux.

I didn't include some of the libraries on purpose since they were part of the stack.