simple packaging for openvas-administrator

I made this, because I couldn't find anything else. I am not
a debian developer, there may be bugs, etc. But you're welcome
to use it, modify it, extend it

I built it from svn revision 7289 on Ubuntu Hardy 8.04
so that's what I know works. I expect other things work as well.

Note that the openvas suite of things has several poorly documented
interdependancies. I recommend against trying to mix versions.

You Milage May Vary


# How I build packages:

# First, set up the build directory and checkout

mkdir /var/tmp/openvas-administrator
cd /var/tmp/openvas-administrator

svn checkout -r 7289
cd openvas-administrator
git clone \ debian

# If you're using a newer svn revision, you should update the 
# debian/changelog
#mkdir b
#cd b
#cmake ..
#cd ..
#dch --newversion $(cat b/VERSION) update to svn
#perl -pi -e 's{jaunty}{UNRELEASED}' debian/changelog
#rm -rf b

# If you've updated, you'll need to regenerate control.
# You probably don't need this.
# ./debian/rules debian/control DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL=yes

# Build the package
debuild -i -us -uc -b

# Enjoy. It should be in ../