
OpenAPI Specification for the Directus API

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Directus' OpenAPI Specification

This repo contains the OpenAPI specifications for Directus' API.

The static spec in this repo contains all the system endpoints and a definition for a generic /items/{collection} endpoint.


The spec is exported in 3 formats: .yaml, .json, and .js. The JS file is just an export of the same JSON but parsed into JS for ease of use in JS projects.


The specification is written to work with OpenAPI version 3 and up.

Vendor Extensions

The spec relies on two vendor-specific fields to represent information required by the system:


Key that maps a system endpoint to its corresponding system collection.


Examples of how to use the equivalent of the documented REST endpoint in the JS SDK and/or GraphQL endpoint.

Deploying Releases


This requires write access to the @directus organization on npm

To deploy a new release to npm:

  • rm -rf dist if it exists
  • pnpm build to build a new dist folder
  • pnpm lint to ensure the built spec is valid
  • pnpm version <patch | minor>
  • git push && git push --tags
  • pnpm publish

This manual process will be replaced with a CD action, but until we set that up, follow the above :)