Takes a rosbag file with VLP-16 messages and plays it back to UDP like if it was a physical device.
- Possibility of not following the schedule accurately (needs investigation).
- Parameters are hardcoded
- Source port is random and in original PCAP it equals dst port, 2368
- They say they use multicast in docs, but I couldn't yet find out what does it mean exactly. Seems more like broadcast
- No error handling in code
- No tests
- Move debug output to debug build
- Add logging (but not too much, packets per second, maybe)
testdump.pcap is a capture obtained by playing back a velodyne.bag file.
Build in ROS kinetic environment. Install ROS deps from ROS tutorial (below). Install velodyne deps by following the tutorial (link below).
$ docker start -i musing_swirles
root@d38cd576e467:/# roscore
# connect another terminal to docker:
$ docker exec -it musing_swirles bash
root@d38cd576e467:/# . /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
# play udp dump:
rosrun velodyne_driver velodyne_node _pcap:=dump.pcap
# listen ros topic to console:
rostopic echo /velodyne_packets
# record velodyne packets to rosbag (inside bagfile directory):
rosbag record /velodyne_packets
# build C++ with ROS libraries (from docker container):
g++ src/main.cpp -I /opt/ros/kinetic/include/ -L/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/ -lrosbag -lrosbag_storage -lroscpp -lrostime -lcpp_common -lroscpp_serialization
# list objects in .so
nm --demangle --dynamic --defined-only --extern-only /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/*.so
# listen multicast
socat UDP4-RECVFROM:2368,ip-add-membership=,fork - |hexdump
ROS docker tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/docker/Tutorials/Docker Velodyne tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/velodyne/Tutorials/Getting%20Started%20with%20the%20Velodyne%20VLP16 Velodyne driver wiki: http://wiki.ros.org/velodyne_driver Recording and playing data in ROS: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/Recording%20and%20playing%20back%20data Velodyne driver sources: https://github.com/ros-drivers/velodyne Velodyne datasheets: https://velodynelidar.com/downloads.html Velodyne pcap: https://data.kitware.com/#folder/5b7fff608d777f06857cb539
ROS Architecture: https://hub.packtpub.com/ros-architecture-and-concepts/
C++ linker concepts: https://www.toptal.com/c-plus-plus/c-plus-plus-understanding-compilation