
Simple Cognitive Science experiment

Primary LanguageElm

Cognitive Buttons

An illustration of a Cognitive Science experiment: Participants will view a stream of words (nouns) and have to decide on the semantic category of each noun as fast as they can. There are 2 versions of the experiment, which differ in the size and placement of the buttons. After all words have been displayed, the average RT (reaction time) is shown.


This is a webapp in ELM, designed to run on Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Heroku should work too, and ELM compiles to plain javascript.


Download or clone the repository. Then initiallize with npm install.

There are a lot of downloads: The package still depends on create-elm-app, I have not taken the time to eject it.

I don't require you to install ELM globally so I have provided two convenience scripts for running it from your local node_modules:

  • start.sh starts a live reloading app on localhost:3000
  • build.sh creates a production build in the build directory

If you have access to cloudfoundry, cf push should get your app up in the cloud.


The app is functional as is and I am happy with what I learned about ELM. I do welcome pull requests, emails, or other suggestions!