yfq - Yahoo Finance Query in golang
A web scrapper to query the Yahoo finance page for stock quotes.
Basic example
package main
import (
func main() {
// create a new Historical
historical := yfq.NewHistorical()
// start a query
quotes, _ := historical.Query("AAPL")
// print the result
fmt.Printf("received quotes for AAPL: %v\n", len(quotes))
if len(quotes) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("first: %+v\n", quotes[0])
fmt.Printf("last: %+v\n", quotes[len(quotes)-1])
is a slice of []Quotes
which contains all available historical quotes in ascending order.
// Quote represents a single quote
type Quote struct {
Date time.Time
Symbol string
Open float64
High float64
Low float64
Close float64
AdjClose float64
Volume int64
Start and End Date of the query can be set individually, e.g. for retrieving just the quotes from the last year. Start and end date must be a date formated according to ISO 8601: yyyy-mm-dd or an empty string.
- If both start and end date are valid, the date range will be parsed as specified.
- If both start and end date are empty or invalid, the date range is set to start date at unix = 0 and end date to unix = now().
- If start date is empty/invalid and end date is valid, date range is set to start date at unix = 0 and end date to the specified date.
- If start date is valid and end date is empty/invalid, date range is set to the specified start date and end date to unix = now().
// set a range for the query
historical.StartDate = "2017-01-01"
historical.EndDate = "2017-12-31"
How does it work
In Q1/2017 Yahoo changed the endpoint for quering historical quotes.
The new query URL is:
which translates to:
= the symbol of the stockstartDate
= start date as unix time stampendDate
= end date as unix time stampinterval
= what time interval (1d = daily, 1wk = weekly, 1mo = monthly) for the quotesevent
= type of the query (history, div, split)crumb
= a cookie parameter from the main stock page to verify, that you come from the actual yahoo page
To retrieve the crumb and the session cookie, first a call to the main stock page is necessary:
which translates to:
The Yahoo finance page is a Reactjs page, which is rendered from a JSON string. We have to search for a <script>
tag within root.App.main
// ...
root.App.main = {
"context": {
"dispatcher": {
"stores": {
// ...
"CrumbStore": {
"crumb": "fCv.rYUxTML" // this is the actual crumb
// ...
// ...
For the actual query to download the historical quotes in cvs format, the crumb
and the cookie have to be included in the main query.