
Poster at "Climates and Cultures: Perspectives for the Future" meeting (Brussels, 23rd - 24th May 2018)

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The Late Holocene Settlement History of the Central African Rainforest


Archaeological, Palaeoenvironmental and Linguistic Evidence for 3,000 years of Interaction between Bantu Speech Communities and their Changing Environments

Dirk Seidensticker1, Bernard Clist1, Wannes Hubau2, Hans Beeckman2, Sara Pacchiarotti1, and Koen Bostoen1

Poster at "Climates and Cultures: Perspectives for the Future" meeting (Brussels, 23rd - 24th May 2018)

1: UGent, BantuFirst project www.bantufirst.ugent.be 2: RMCA Tervuren, Wood Biology Lab