
Discord components for the Eris library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Eris Components

NOTE: We are not maintaining this package anymore, if someone is willing to maintain it feel free to open an issue


  • Eris Components allows you to use Discord buttons and other components interacting with the Discord API.

  • Module developed by tnfAngel#8642 & Jakemate977#5825.


const ErisComponents = require('eris-components');

const client = ErisComponents.Client(ErisClient);


const ErisComponents = require('eris-components');

const Eris = require('eris');

const bot = new Eris('Bot XXXX.XXXXXX.XXXX'); // ErisClient instance.

const options = {
    debug: false, // Debug disabled.
    invalidClientInstanceError: true, // Only set this option to false if client instance error is bugged.
    ignoreRequestErrors: false // If Eris Components should ignore errors on request (4xx or 5xx) codes.

const client = ErisComponents.Client(bot, options); // The ErisClient with ErisComponents methods.

// Send button example:

const Button = new ErisComponents.Button()
    .setLabel('Click me!')
    .setID('Component ID')

client.sendComponents('Channel ID', Button, 'Hi! this is your first button.'); // Send a message with a button to a Discord channel.


Eris Components Classes

  • Client | .Client(ErisClient, options) -> ErisComponentsClient

Adds Eris Components Methods to the ErisClient provided. Returns the client instance with the new methods.

const options = {
    debug: false,  // Disable / Enable debug.
    invalidClientInstanceError: true, // Only set this option to false if client instance error is bugged.
    ignoreRequestErrors: false // If Eris Components should ignore errors on request (4xx or 5xx) codes.

new ErisComponents.Client(ErisClient, options);
  • ActionRow | .ActionRow() -> ErisActionRow

Creates an row for send multiple components in a message.

new ErisComponents.ActionRow()
    .addComponents([Button1, Button2, Button3]) // This method will add multiple components in the Action Row.
    .addComponent(Button4) // This method will add one component in the Action Row.
    .setComponents([Button5]); // This method will set an new array of components in the Action Row, put an empty array to remove all components.
  • Button | .Button() -> ErisButton

Creates an button object for send in a message or add in an action row.

new ErisComponents.Button()
    .setStyle('blurple') // Sets a color for the button. Available styles: 'blurple' | 'grey' | 'gray' | 'green' | 'red' | 'url' | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'link'
    .setLabel('Text here') // Sets a label for the button.
    .setDisabled(false) // Sets the disabled state of the button. (Default true if called)
    .setID('Component ID') // Sets the custom_id of the button. Util to recognize different components.
    .setEmoji('846514899503939605 (emoji id) or 🤗 (raw emoji)', false) // Sets the emoji of the button. The first argument is the emoji and the second argument is if the emoji is animated or not.
    .setEmoji({ id: '846514899503939605', name: 'Hi'}, false); // This is valid too. But if you want to put raw emoji the id must be null and name the emoji.
    .setURL('URL here') // Sets the url of the button. Important: To use this method, you must put in style "link" or "url" and not put .setID() in the Button class.
  • ComponentsCollector | .ComponentsCollector(ErisClient, filter, channel, options?, thisArg?) -> ErisComponentsCollector

Creates an components collector in a channel.

 * @param {ErisClient} ErisClient (Required) Eris Bot Client.
 * @param {function} filter (Required) The filter on the colector. Should be an arrow function or an function if you want thisArg. 
 * @param {string} channel (Required) The ID of the channel in which the collector will work. 
 * @param {object} options (Optional) Object that contains the options for the collector. 
 * @param {number} options.time (Optional) The time in milliseconds in which the collector will stop. Put 0 to not put a limit. It is highly recommended to set a time limit.
 * @param {thisArg} thisArg (Optional) The this argument passed to the filter.
 * @returns collector

const filter = ((body) => body.data.custom_id == 'Component ID'); // Example filter.
const channel = message.channel.id; // Channel ID.
const options = { time: 10000 }; // Time in milliseconds in which the collector will stop. 
const thisArg = null; // Null because the filter is an arrow function.

let collector = new ErisComponents.ComponentsCollector(ErisClient, filter, channel, options, thisArg);

collector.on('collect', async (resBody) => { // On collect a component interaction that meets the filter. ResBody is the response body of the component interaction.
    await client.replyInteraction(resBody, [], 'Hi'); // Example reply of a interaction.

collector.on('end', (collected) => { // When the collector stops. It can be by time or by call of the stop() method. Collected is an array of all collected resBody's.
    console.log('Collector end. Collected:', collected);

console.log(collector.collected); // This will print an array of all components interactions collected.

console.log(collector.ended); // This will print true or false depending on whether the collector ended or not.
  • SelectMenu | .Menu() -> ErisSelectMenu

Creates an new Select Menu object for send.

new ErisComponents.Menu()
    .setPlaceholder('Select a option') // This will set a placeholder for the Select Menu.
    .setID('your_id')  // Sets the custom_id of the Select Menu. Util to recognize different components.
    .setMaxValues(1) // Sets the max options values of the Select Menu.
    .setMinValues(1) // Sets the min options values of the Select Menu.
    .setDisabled(false) // Sets the disabled state of the Select Menu. (Default true if called)
    .addOptions([option1, option2]) // This method will add multiple options in the Select Menu.
    .addOption(option3)  // This method will add one option in the Select Menu.
    .setOptions([option4]);  // This method will set an new array of components in the Select Menu, put an empty array to remove all components.
  • MenuOption | .MenuOption() -> ErisMenuOption

Creates an new Select Menu Option for put in options of a Menu class.

new ErisComponents.MenuOption()
    .setLabel('Text here') // Sets a label for the option.
    .setValue('value_here') // Sets the value of the option. Util to recognize different options.
    .setDescription('Description of the option') // Sets the description of the option.
    .setDefault(false) // Sets the default state of the option. (Default true if called)
    .setEmoji('846514899503939605 (emoji id) or 🤗 (raw emoji)', false) // Sets the emoji of the button. The first argument is the emoji and the second argument is if the emoji is animated or not.
    .setEmoji({ id: '846514899503939605', name: 'Hi'}, false); // This is valid too. But if you want to put raw emoji the id must be null and name the emoji.

Eris Components Client Events

  • RawInteractionCreate | .on('rawInteractionCreate', (resBody) => resBody) -> resBody

Event emitted when any interaction is created.

client.on('rawInteractionCreate', (resBody) => {
    client.replyInteraction(resBody, button, 'Hi');
  • SlashCommandInteract | .on('slashCommandInteract', (resBody) => resBody) -> resBody

Event emitted when any slash command is triggered.

client.on('slashCommandInteract', (resBody) => {
    client.replyInteraction(resBody, button, 'Hi');
  • ClickButton | .on('clickButton', (resBody) => resBody) -> resBody

Event emitted when any button sended by the client is clicked.

client.on('clickButton', (resBody) => {
    client.replyInteraction(resBody, button, 'Hi');
  • SubmitMenu | .on('submitMenu', (resBody) => resBody) -> resBody

Event emitted when any menu sended by the client is submitted.

client.on('submitMenu', (resBody) => {
    client.replyInteraction(resBody, button, 'Hi');
  • ComponentInteract | .on('componentInteract', (resBody) => resBody) -> resBody

Event emitted when any interaction with component is performed.

client.on('componentInteract', (resBody) => {
    client.replyInteraction(resBody, button, 'Hi');

Eris Components Client Methods

  • SendComponents | .sendComponents(channel, components, content, file) -> DiscordAPIRequest

Sends components to a specific channel.

// Send single component.

client.sendComponents('Channel ID', button, 'Hi');

// Send multiple Buttons.

let actionRow = new ErisComponents.ActionRow()
    .addComponents([Button1, Button2, Button3]);

client.sendComponents('Channel ID', actionRow, 'Hi');

// Or

client.sendComponents('Channel ID', [button1, button2], 'Hi');

// Send multiple rows.

let actionRow = new ErisComponents.ActionRow()
    .addComponents([Button1, Button2, Button3]);

let actionRow2 = new ErisComponents.ActionRow()
    .addComponents([Button4, Button5, Button6]);

client.sendComponents('Channel ID', [actionRow, actionRow2], 'Hi');

// Send multiple SelectMenus.

let menuRow1 = new ErisComponents.ActionRow()

let menuRow2 = new ErisComponents.ActionRow()

client.sendComponents('Channel ID', [menuRow1, menuRow2], 'Hi');

// Send components with embed (Discord deprecated)

client.sendComponents('Channel ID', button, { content: 'Components with embed', embed: { title: 'Hi' } });

// Send components with multiple embeds.

client.sendComponents('Channel ID', button, { content: 'Components with embed', embeds: [{ title: 'Hi' }, { title: 'Just another embed' }] });

// You can use all the message options available from the Discord API. See https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#create-message-jsonform-params
  • EditComponents | .editComponents(APIMessage | Eris.Message, components, content, file) -> DiscordAPIRequest

Edit a message and give the possibility to add or edit components.

    let msg = await client.sendComponents('Channel ID', Button, 'Message here.');

    await client.editComponents(msg, [Button1, Button2], 'This message is edited.');

    // Or

    let msg2 = await client.createMessage('Channel ID', 'Message');

    await client.editComponents(msg2, [Button1, Button2], 'This message is edited.');

    // And if you want to delete all components just do:

    let msg3 = await client.sendComponents('Channel ID', Button, 'This message has components.');

    await client.editComponents(msg3, [], 'This message is edited and has no components.');
  • EditInteraction | .editInteraction(resBody, components, content, file) -> DiscordAPIRequest

Edits the original message when an interaction is emitted. All options of client.sendComponents are available.

client.on('clickButton', (resBody) => {

    client.editInteraction(resBody, button, 'Hi, this message is edited.'); // Edit the message when a button is clicked.

  • ReplyInteraction | .replyInteraction(resBody, components, content, options, type, file) -> DiscordAPIRequest

Sends a new message when an interaction is emitted. All options of client.sendComponents are available.

client.on('clickButton', (resBody) => {

    // Send normal message.

    client.replyInteraction(resBody, [], 'Hi, this message has no buttons.') // Send a message when a button is clicked with no components.

    // Send normal message with button.

    client.replyInteraction(resBody, button, 'Hi, this message has buttons.') // Send a message when a button is clicked with components.

    // Send ephemeral message with buttons.

    client.replyInteraction(resBody, [button1, button2], 'Hi, this message has buttons and only you can see this.', { ephemeral: true }) 

    // Send a message with custom type and embeds.

    client.replyInteraction(resBody, [button1, button2], { embeds: [embed1, embed2] }, { ephemeral: true }, 5) // Type 5. See https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/slash-commands#interaction-response-object-interaction-callback-type

  • AwaitComponents | .awaitComponents(filter, channel, options, thisArg) -> resBody | error

Await Components on a channel.

let filter = ((body) => body.data.custom_id == 'ID here.') // Example filter.
let channel = message.channel.id // Example channel.
let options = { 
    time: 10000 // Max time to wait for a interaction response. Put 0 to not put a limit. It is highly recommended to set a time limit.

let resBody = await client.awaitComponents(filter, channel, options).catch(err => console.log('Out of time.'))

  • CreateComponentsCollector | .createComponentsCollector(filter, channel, options, thisArg) -> resBody

Call ComponentsCollector Class. See the ErisClient.ComponentsCollector class for full details.

let filter = ((body) => body.data.custom_id == 'ID here.') // Example filter.
let channel = message.channel.id // Example channel.
let options = { 
    time: 10000 // Max time to wait for a interaction response. Put 0 to not put a limit. It is highly recommended to set a time limit.

let collector = client.createComponentsCollector(filter, channel, options)

collector.on('collect', async (resBody) => {
    console.log('Collected:', resBody);

collector.on('end', (collected) => {
    console.log('Collector end. Collected:', collected);


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Linux & Windows

Node Package Manager (NPM)

  1. Open: CMD
  2. Put: npm i eris-components@latest


  1. Open: CMD
  2. Put: yarn add eris-components@latest


Node Package Manager (NPM)

  1. Install: XCode
  2. Put: npm i eris-components@latest


  1. Install: XCode
  2. Put: yarn add eris-components@latest