
A bot for Discord that makes it easier for users to contact moderators and admins for help.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Modmail for Discord

A bot for Discord that allows users to DM the bot to contact the server's entire mod team. These DMs get relayed to a modmail server where each user gets their own channel, or "thread". Moderators and admins can then reply to these threads, and these responses are relayed back to the original user as a DM.

Inspired by Reddit's modmail system.

Configuration options

These go in config.json. See also config.example.json.

Option Default Description
token None Required! The bot user's token
mailGuildId None Required! The inbox server's ID
mainGuildId None Required! ID of the main server where people contact the bot from, used for e.g. displaying users' nicknames
logChannelId None Required! Channel where the bot will post log links to closed threads and other alerts
errorWebhookId None The ID of the webhook which the bot will use to log errors
errorWebhookToken None The token of the webhook which the bot will use to log errors
Note: If errorWebhookId or errorWebhookToken is null, errors will be logged to the logChannelId channel instead
prefix "!" Prefix for bot commands
snippetPrefix "!!" Prefix to use snippets
replyAnonDefault false If set to true, messages will be sent to the user anonymously by default, without the need for !ar
snippetAnonDefault false If set to true, snippets will be sent to the user anonymously by default, without the need for !!snippet anon
status "Message me for help" The bot's "Playing" text
openingMessage "Hi there, thanks for reaching out to the Dyno modmail bot. This is the best way to get in contact with the Dyno staff team. Please select what you'd like assistance with from the options below so I can route your request to the correct team.

Note: We can only offer assistance in English."
The bot's response to DMs that start a new thread
responseMessage "Thank you for your message! Our mod team will reply to you here as soon as possible." The bot's responses to button presses that start a new thread
dynoSupportMessage "We offer Dyno support in the server in the following channels:\n<#240777175802839040> | English support\n<#335003834445332481> | In-depth custom command support\n<#395821744696590338> | Soutien en français\n<#395821762669051904> | Internationale Unterstützung / Suporte internacional / Apoyo internacional / Uluslararası destek / الدعم الدولي" The bot's response to whenever the user presses the "Dyno Support" button when attempting to start a new thread
newThreadCategoryId None ID of the category where new modmail thread channels should be placed
adminThreadCategoryId None ID of the category where modmail thread channels should be moved when the bot is instructed to move the thread to admins
mentionRole "here" Role that is mentioned when new threads are created or the bot is mentioned. Accepted values are "here", "everyone", or a role id as a string. Set to null to disable these pings entirely
adminMentionRole None Role that is mentioned when a thread is moved to the adminThreadCategoryId category
inboxServerRoleIDs None IDs of required roles a user needs to use bot commands on the inbox server
inboxAdminRoleIDs None IDs of required roles a user needs to use admin bot commands, or view private threads
alwaysReply false If set to true, all messages in modmail threads will be relayed back to the user, even ones without !r
alwaysReplyAnon false If alwaysReply is set to true, this option controls whether the auto-reply is anonymous
useNicknames false If set to true, mod replies will use their nickname (on the inbox server) instead of their username
ignoreAccidentalThreads false If set to true, the bot attempts to ignore common "accidental" messages that would start a new thread, such as "ok", "thanks", etc.
threadTimestamps false Whether to show custom timestamps in threads, in addition to Discord's own timestamps. Logs always have accurate timestamps, regardless of this setting
allowMove false If set to true, threads will be allowed to be moved by staff to any category which is inside allowedCategories
typingProxy false If enabled, any time a user is typing to modmail in their DMs, the modmail thread will show the bot as "typing"
typingProxyReverse false If enabled, any time a moderator is typing in a modmail thread, the user will see the bot "typing" in their DMs
allowedCategories None IDs of categories that a moderator is allowed to move a thread to
autoResponses None A set of responses that will be sent when a user sends a message which includes, or starts with, a certain word or phrase
enableGreeting false Set to true to send a welcome message to new main guild members. Requires mainGuildId to be set
greetingMessage None Text content of the welcome message
greetingAttachment None Path to an image or other attachment to send along with the greeting
relaySmallAttachmentsAsAttachments false Whether to relay small (<2MB) attachments from users as attachments rather than links in modmail threads
port 8890 Port from which to serve attachments and logs
url None URL to use for attachment and log links. Defaults to IP:PORT