
Dockerfile for emulating win32 and win64 programs on arm64 using wine and box in Debian.

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Dockerfile for emulating win32 and win64 programs on arm64 using wine and box. Tested on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Ampere A1.



docker build -t winebox64 . 
docker run --name winebox64 -ti winebox64

Docker compose

docker-compose -d up 
docker attach winebox64


Running a windows-only game server from Steam (The Forest).

  1. Start a container
docker run -ti --name theforest -v $PWD/forestdata:/root/theforest -p 8766:8766 -p 27015:27015 -p 27016:27016 winebox64 
  1. Run this script inside the container
apt update && apt install unzip
wine wineboot && wine64 wineboot
xvfb-run sh -c "winetricks -q vcrun2019"
mkdir steamcmd && cd steamcmd
wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd.zip
unzip steamcmd.zip
wine steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir ../theforest +login anonymous +app_update 556450 validate +quit
cd ../theforest
xvfb-run sh -c 'wine64 TheForestDedicatedServer.exe -serverip -serversteamport 8766 -servergameport 27015 -serverqueryport 27016 -servername TheForestGameDS -serverplayers 8 -difficulty Normal -inittype Continue -slot 1 -showlogs'