
Public repository for the Thermodynamic Neural Network File

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Thermodynamic Neural Network


This file describes the software organization of the Thermodynamically Neural Network. A manuscript describing the model is available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.01678 and is also in the repository. I welcome your comments and questions. My email is thylton@ucsd.edu.


This work describes a thermodynamically motivated neural network model that self-organizes to transport charge associated with internal and external potentials while in contact with a thermal bath. Isolated networks show multiscale dynamics and evidence of phase transitions, and externally driven networks evolve to efficiently connect external positive and negative potentials. The model implements techniques for rapid, global, reversible, conservative equilibration of node states followed by slow, local, irreversible, dissipative adaptation of the edge states as a means to create multiscale order. All interactions in the network are local and the network structures can be generic and recurrent. The model integrates concepts of fluctuation, dissipation, adaptation and equilibration and offers an illustration of the thermodynamic evolution of organization in open systems. The key conclusion of the work is that the dissipation of conserved physical quantities can drive the self-organization of open thermodynamic systems.

Running the simulation

To execute a simulation, edit params.py and at the command prompt enter

python network.py

Repository Contents

The code is distributed over five files in the repo – params.py, network.py, nodes.py, synapse.py. render.py

File params.py

Class Parameters - defines simulation

Module init

  • defines the network via selection of network geometry, nodes and synapses
  • defines execution parameters
  • specifies outputs
  • builds data structure to support network build and execution
  • creates folder to store results
  • instantiated by with a call from class Network

File network.py

Class Network - builds and runs the network simulation

Module init

  • creates output files and stores simulation definition parameters
  • builds the network graph
  • creates node positions and assigns node types
  • builds the node objects by invoking class MakeNode in file nodes.py
  • creates synapse positions and assigns synapse types
  • builds the synapse objects by invoking class MakeSynapse in file synapse.py
  • verifies node and synapse placements
  • connects modules in node and synapse objects so that they can communicate state variables

Module run_network

  • runs the simulation
  • collects and stores statistics
  • prints statistics to the terminal as the simulation proceeds

Module print_network

  • prompts for and prints network, node and synapse state variables to the terminal. Typically used to debug simulation.

Module kill_simulation

  • terminates simulation and deletes output files. Called by init when errors are detected in the network build

Module main

  • instantiates the network
  • calls run_network
  • calls print_network
  • calls display in render.py to display and save videos of the node state evolution
  • calls makeplots in render.py to create plots of network statistics vs time

File nodes.py

Class Node - describes internal network nodes

Module init

  • builds node data structures

Module add_synapse

  • builds data structure to attach a synapse to the node

Module receive_context

  • captures state input from synapses

Module sample_state

  • reversibly samples node state given current synapse state variables
  • sends node state to synapses

Module update_state

  • irreversibly samples node state given current synapse state variables
  • updates synapse charge states
  • computes synapse weight updates
  • sends node state and weight updates to synapses

Class Bias – describes external bias nodes, inherits from Node

Module set_state

  • chooses node state depending on the execution parameters

Module update_state

  • refines node state selection depending on node inputs
  • sends node state changes and weight updates to synapses

Module evaluate_state

  • reports node state values

File synapse.py

Class Synapse - describes synapse weights, communicates node states

Module init

  • initiates data structures

Module add_nodes

  • builds data structure to attach nodes to the synapse

Module push_state

  • transfers node potentials through the synapse without updating synapse weight

Module update_state

  • transfers node potential through the synapse
  • updates synapse weight

Class Real1 – inherits from Synapse

Module update_weight

  • updates the weight of real valued synapse bounded on an interval

  • uses simple Gaussian with cutoff at interval bounds

  • typically preferred over Real2

Class Real2 – inherits from Synapse

Module update_weight

  • updates the weight of real valued synapse bounded on an interval
  • uses error function deal with the interval bounds

Class Fixed – inherits from Synapse

Module update_weight

  • dummy function for a weight that does not change
  • typically used to connect an external bias node to network nodes

File render.py

Module display

  • formats, displays and stores images and videos of the node states and node state changes

Module makeplots

  • formats and stores plots of network statistics vs simulation step