
Full-Featured shell script in order to control the eQ-3 radiator thermostat via linux and Raspberry Pi

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Full-featured shell script interface based on expect and gatttool for eQ-3 radiator thermostat

This script allows to control the bluetooth radiator thermostat with the Raspberry Pi's Raspian and other Linux distributions.

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 
Full-featured CLI for radiator thermostat eQ-3

Usage: <mac> <command> <parameters...>

Status / sync:
 sync                                           - Syncs time and prints target temperature and mode
 status                                         - Prints target temperature, mode and schedules
                                                  (in debug mode also last command even of official app, set log_user to 1 in code!)

 auto                                           - Sets auto mode and deactivates vacation mode if active.
 manual                                         - Sets manual mode and deactivates vacation mode if active.

 comfort                                        - Sets target temperature to programmed comfort temperature
 eco                                            - Sets target temperature to programmed eco temperature
 boost                                          - Activates boost mode for 5 minutes
 boost off                                      - Deactivates boost mode
 temp <temp>                                    - Sets target temperature to given value
                                                  temp: 5.0 to 29.5 in intervals of 0.5°C, e.g. 19.5
 on                                             - Sets thermostat to permanent on (30°C)
 off                                            - Sets thermostat to permanent off (4.5°C)

 vacation <yy-mm-dd> <hh:mm> <temp>             - Activates vacation mode until date and time and temperature in °C
                                                  yy-mm-dd: until date, e.g. 17-03-31
                                                  hh:mm: until time where minutes must be 00 or 30, e.g. 23:30
                                                  temp: 5.0 to 29.5 in intervals of 0.5°C, e.g. 19.5
 vacation <mmm> <temp>                          - Activates vacation mode for given period in minutes and temperature in °C
                                                  mmm: Period in minutes
                                                  temp: 5.0 to 29.5 in intervals of 0.5°C, e.g. 19.5
 timer <day>                                    - Reads timer for given day
 timer <day> <base> <hh:mm> <temp> <hh:mm> ...  - Sets timer for given day and up to 7 events with temperature and time
                                                  day:  mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun, today, tomorrow
                                                  base temperature before first and after last schedule: 5.0 to 29.5 in intervals of 0.5°C, e.g. 19.5
                                                  target temperature 5.0 to 29.5 in intervals of 0.5°C, e.g. 19.5
                                                  hh:mm: time where minutes must be in intervals of 10 minutes, e.g. 23:40

 comforteco <temp_comfort> <temp_eco>           - Sets comfort and eco temperature in °C
                                                  temp: 5.0 to 29.5 in intervals of 0.5°C, e.g. 19.5
 window <temp> <hh:mm>                          - Sets temperature in °C and period for open window mode
                                                  temp: 5.0 to 29.5 in intervals of 0.5°C, e.g. 19.5
                                                  hh:mm: time where minutes in intervals of 5 minutes, e.g. 02:05
 offset <offset>                                - Sets the offset temperature in °C
                                                  offset: temperature between -3.5 and 3.5 in intervals of 0.5°C, e.g. 1.5

 lock                                           - Locks thermostat (LOC). No PIN required!
 unlock                                         - Unlocks thermostat. No PIN required!
 clear                                          - Clear buffer of last request (will be printed in debug mode, set log_user to 1 in code!)
 reset                                          - Factory reset


Receive status

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 status

Device mac:              00:1A:22:07:FD:03
Device name (0x0321):    CC-RT-BLE
Device vendor (0x0311):  eq-3

Temperature:             22.0°C
Valve:                   0%
Mode:                    auto 
Vacation mode:           off

Timer for Sat:
    Sat, 00:00 - 07:40: 17.0°C
    Sat, 07:40 - 22:20: 21.0°C
    Sat, 22:20 - 24:00: 17.0°C

Timer for Sun:
    Sun, 00:00 - 01:10: 1.0°C
    Sun, 01:10 - 04:30: 9.0°C
    Sun, 04:30 - 24:00: 27.0°C

Timer for Mon:
    Mon, 00:00 - 16:50: 17.0°C
    Mon, 16:50 - 21:40: 21.0°C
    Mon, 21:40 - 24:00: 17.0°C

Timer for Tue:
    Tue, 00:00 - 16:50: 17.0°C
    Tue, 16:50 - 21:40: 21.0°C
    Tue, 21:40 - 24:00: 17.0°C

Timer for Wed:
    Wed, 00:00 - 16:50: 17.0°C
    Wed, 16:50 - 21:40: 21.0°C
    Wed, 21:40 - 24:00: 17.0°C

Timer for Thu:
    Thu, 00:00 - 16:50: 17.0°C
    Thu, 16:50 - 21:40: 21.0°C
    Thu, 21:40 - 24:00: 17.0°C

Timer for Fri:
    Fri, 00:00 - 16:40: 17.0°C
    Fri, 16:40 - 22:20: 21.0°C
    Fri, 22:20 - 24:00: 17.0°C

Sync time from PC to thermostat

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 sync

Sync time:              17-02-07 21:24:36

Temperature:            22.0°C
Valve:                  0%
Mode:                   auto 
Vacation mode:          off

Program window open mode

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 window 16.5 2:00

Window open temperature:    16.5°C
Window open time:           2:00

Temperature:                22.0°C
Valve:                      0%
Mode:                       auto 
Vacation mode:              off

Set to auto and manual mode

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 auto

Temperature:            21.0°C
Valve:                  0%
Mode:                   auto
Vacation mode:          off

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 manual

Temperature:            21.0°C
Valve:                  0%
Mode:                   manual
Vacation mode:          off

Program comfort and eco temperature and switch to programmed temperatures

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 comforteco 22.0 17.0

Comfort temperature:    22.0°C
Eco temperature:        17.0°C

Temperature:            22.5°C
Valve:                  0%
Mode:                   manual
Vacation mode:          off

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 comfort

Temperature:            22.0°C
Valve:                  0%
Mode:                   manual
Vacation mode:          off

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 eco

Temperature:            17.0°C
Valve:                  15%
Mode:                   manual
Vacation mode:          off

Set current temperature

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 temp 22.5

Temperature:            22.5°C
Valve:                  15%
Mode:                   manual
Vacation mode:          off

Start and stop boost mode

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 boost

Temperature:            22.5°C
Valve:                  80%
Mode:                   manual boost
Vacation mode:          off

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 boost off

Temperature:            22.5°C
Valve:                  15%
Mode:                   manual
Vacation mode:          off

Start vacation mode

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 vacation 17-03-31 21:30 14.5

Vacation mode:          17-03-31 21:30 14.5°C

Temperature:            14.5°C
Valve:                  0%
Mode:                   auto vacation 
Vacation mode:          on
Vacation until:         2017-03-31 21:30

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 vacation 120 19

Vacation mode:          17-02-14 21:30 19°C

Temperature:            19.0°C
Valve:                  0%
Mode:                   auto vacation 
Vacation mode:          on
Vacation until:         2017-02-14 21:30

Set timer for Wednesday with 7 events and read it

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 timer wed 19 03:00 23 06:00 19 09:00 23 12:00 19 15:00 23 18:00 24 24:00

Timer set: wed 19 03:00 23 06:00 19 09:00 23 12:00 19 15:00 23 18:00 24 24:00

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 timer wed

Timer for Wed (0x0411 2004):    21 04 26 12 2e 24 26 36 2e 48 26 5a 2e 6c 30 90 
    Wed, 00:00 - 03:00: 19.0°C
    Wed, 03:00 - 06:00: 23.0°C
    Wed, 06:00 - 09:00: 19.0°C
    Wed, 09:00 - 12:00: 23.0°C
    Wed, 12:00 - 15:00: 19.0°C
    Wed, 15:00 - 18:00: 23.0°C
    Wed, 18:00 - 24:00: 24.0°C

Set offset temperature

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 offset 1.0

Offset temperature:     1.0°C

Temperature:            22.0°C
Valve:                  0%
Mode:                   auto 
Vacation mode:          off

Lock and unlock radiator thermostat

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 lock

Temperature:            22.5°C
Valve:                  42%
Mode:                   manual locked
Vacation mode:          off

$ ./eq3.exp 00:1A:22:07:FD:03 unlock

Temperature:            22.5°C
Valve:                  42%
Mode:                   manual
Vacation mode:          off